Chapter 5

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Grace awoke to the sounds of screaming.

"I wanna watch PBS!" Joel screamed. Grace rubbed her tired, blood shot eyes and pulled Bethany's jammies around her. She clamped her eyes shut as she registered the screaming voice and why she was hearing it.

"God? If you really are out there then just let me die," Grace pleaded with the air. The Fulocks were nice enough they just weren't her family. She didn't belong here. She didn't belong anywhere.

She flung the pillow she was using across the room. Trying to contain a scream. 

"In. And out. In. And out," she coached herself. Once she was calm she left the room and went into the kitchen. Grace glanced at the clock on the black stove. 

"9:26?" she muttered to herself. "School started an hour ago. Why didn't Bethany wake me up?" Her heart beat faster and faster in her chest. It was all Grace could do to not run out of the room. Out of this house and out of this town. Grace shut her eyes tight and stiffened. Suddenly she felt a hand on her shoulder and Grace jumped and turned around.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to startle you..." Bethany said flustered. 

"It's okay," Grace said quietly. She heard footsteps coming from the living room. She turned as Joel ran into the kitchen and stared at Grace, then he started to laugh.

"What?" Grace asked confused. But the little boy couldn't answer. "What?" Grace turned to Bethany. Her cheeks aflame.

"He's laughing at your hair... it's a little tangled, but that's fine," Bethany told Grace quietly. then turned to Joel.

"Joel." Bethany got Joel's attention quickly. She walked over then squatted next to him and said, "It's not funny to laugh at people. It makes them feel bad. Would you like to be laughed at?"

Joel stopped laughing and shook his head solemnly. "No Mommy. I'm sowy Gwace." 

Grace nodded in acknowledgment. Maybe Joel wasn't so bad.

"Hey, shouldn't you be watching PBS? I turned it on for you?" Bethany asked.

"Yea, but I'm hungy. Can I have a doughnut?"

"Nope. No doughnut's for breakfast."

Joel pouted.

 "But you can have some cereal. Go get Gabby then sit at the table."

"Okay." Joel turned and walked back to the living room yelling, "Gabby!"

Grace giggled then stopped herself. She should not be happy. Her own little sister would never be able to do this. That thought sobered Grace.

"Would you like some cereal, Grace?" Bethany asked.

"No thanks. I'm not hungry," Grace said. Bethany looked at her in concern and Grace turned away. 

"Shouldn't I be getting ready for school?" she asked. "I'm already late."

"If you'd like to go to school. I thought you'd want a day to rest and maybe get some more things."

"No. I'd like to go to school," Grace said quickly then went back to Gabby's room.  I don't think I could handle being around you and your family all day.


Authors note: Hey guys! *waves* Sorry this chapter is so short. I've been having a bad case of writers block. Anyways, comments are always appreciated! Thanks for reading. Have a great day (or night I guess... (; )


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