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OK guys this is first story so I hope u guys like it and vote and comment and blah blah blah. Please excuse if there are any grammatical mistakes and other stuff. OK. Guess that's it for now!



Ah! Smells wonderful. I hope Caleb will like it. Thank god mom taught me how to bake and cook properly. I hope Caleb comes home early to celebrate my birthday and our one year wedding anniversary. He still hasn't wished me yet. Maybe he's planning some kind of a surprise or something. Ooh, I can't wait.

I'm not from a rich family. I did not have a gold spoon in my mouth when I was pulled out in the hospital bed, I was quite an unlucky human being. My dad was an alcoholic, he often came home drunk. Scratch that. He always came home drunk. And then all the bad things would happen. The scars are still there and it will be there forever not letting me forget what he did to me. Scars that will always let me have nightmares.

Dad's death was not pleasant news to mom, she was kept in the asylum for three years. Then afterwards I was all alone. I worked as a maid in a few houses to earn some money to buy my own food and all the essentials. It was a tough life I lived. Nineteen years of loneliness and despair, but then afterwards I met Caleb. Not just Caleb. It was the Caleb.

He was not just in the top ten but he is the number one, youngest, richest, sexy handsome billionaire alive. He was my knight in shining armour. I was no skinny model. Quite the opposite really. I was a chubby blonde. Not literally a blonde but just, blonde hair. The miracle was him falling for me.

After weeks of dating, he had asked me to marry him. He gives me anything I need and, I don't even have to ask. But him giving his love for me is more than enough.

We don't have any kids yet though, he says he's not ready, and I'm fine with it. When he's ready I'm ready.

Right when I kept the cake I baked for our one year anniversary plus my birthday on the table, I heard the front door open. He's here! He's early today, I knew he had something planned.

"Caleb! How was work?" I smiled as I saw him in the living room.

"It was fine," his voice was quite monotone.

"Is something wrong honey?"

"No Sophia, nothing is wrong. Just leave me alone,"

"You can tell me you know, afterall-"

"I said there's nothing wrong!" He snapped, "no wait, you know what? Actually, there is something wrong," I gulped and got ready to hear what he was going to say next, "I want a divorce,"

And boy it was not something I wanted to hear.

"Wh- what? what do you mean you want a divorce?" It felt as if all the air left my lungs. It felt as if he was throwing punches at me. Everywhere.

"You certainly know what a divorce is right? It's like a contract where you sign on a pap-"

"I know what a god damn divorce is Caleb," why is he being so ruthless? "I'm asking you why? Had enough of me? Found someone else?"


Just like that. He was not even afraid to punch. And, the best part, he's not even drunk. Caleb doesn't know my past. How my dad used to violate me. He never even asked. And right now it's like seeing my dad coming home drunk again. "And you wanna know something, she's just better than you! At everything! She has a great family, she's rich, and she's god damn sexy and really good in bed, unlike you, I don't even know why I had to marry you, it was only because of that stupid contract, or else, I would've lead a great life, I was stupid to even let this happen! I mean, who would marry you? Look at you! Your so ugly and, fat and so poor! I dessrve more, you deserve nothing," he took a deep breath inside, this was his last throw, "I'll let you know when you have to sign the papers, now, get the hell out of my face, and my life-"

I slapped him. It was not me really, it must have been my mind, I didn't do it intentionally and, I wasn't sorry for doing it either.

"You fucking little slut,"

All the air left out of my body for real as he not only just slapped, but punched my face. "Who the fucking hell do you think you are?" He grabbed me by my hair lifting my face. His eyes were dark, they were not the same ones I was used to seeing. "Do you know who you just slapped? I can ruin your life. You know that right? I can ruin everything!" He smirked. Who is this monster? "Come to think of it, maybe I will ruin you. From today onwards you won't be able to step out anywhere. I'm going to tell the world, I'm going to let them know what sort of a whore you are,"

He then lifted me and threw me on the floor. My tears mixed up with the blood and was now dripping.

"Get out bitch, I don't ever want to see that ugly face again. Get out!" He screamed.

His Ex-wifeWhere stories live. Discover now