> part four <

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Josh and JJ had walked to the market after they played some football in the school pitch near where they lived so Mallie offered them a lift home along with Simon when they eventually left Harby Market. They climbed into the car, Simon calling shotgun next to Mallie in the front seat. Mallie pulled her seat forward slightly so that JJ who sat behind her, had enough room for his legs.

"Where is it I'm going?" Mallie asked, taking her phone and purse from her pockets and putting them in the holder between the two front seats. She started the car, letting down the handbrake and heading towards the exit. She stopped and waited for some direction. They told her the name of the road and she recognised it. "Is that right here then left, that way?"

"Yeah," Simon pointed in the general direction she needed to go before he turned his body in his seat to turn to the boys in the back seat. "Where are we going for drinks then?"

Mallie paid attention to the road as she listened. It was early afternoon and the sky was still light blue, the air was still warm so she used her button to slide her window down slightly. She pulled out onto the main road but wasn't on it long before JJ pointed her a road to pull down a short cut.

"Mallie, do you know where the Three Horseshoes pub is? Because I was thinking there to be honest." Josh suggested and looked to Mallie in her mirror. She looked at him and nodded, showing approval. Mallie pulled down their road; Galley Way. She pulled up outside number 127 and cut the engine. She swivelled in her chairs and looked to the boys in her car.

"Thanks." JJ got out the car to stretch his legs. Although, Mallie had moved her chair foreward, the small car didn't provide enough room for any of the taller boys. Simon looked to her and smiled.

"Do you want to just come in whilst we chill for a bit and get ready? It's only," Simon referred to his Apple Watch around his wrist. "Half four." Mallie thought for a second, wondering if it would be weird or not but she was feeling really positive - really happy. Making new friends always made her much better about herself - no matter what age she was.

"Sure." She pulled her keys out the ignition and grabbed her phone as the remaining three in the car got out and shut their doors. She locked it with a push of a button on her keys and headed down the path of this house. Mallie was quite amazed that the three of them afforded to live here. "This place is nice."

Josh was who unlocked the door and pushed it open, letting the three others in before closing it behind them and taking his hoodie off, hanging it over the banister on the stairs.

"Vikk?" Josh shouted up the stairs, scaring Mallie slightly. Simon put his hands on her shoulders from behind and chuckled, him being the only one to realise. She turned to him, her cheeks pink. "Vikk, you in?"

"Who's Vikk?" Mallie asked Simon as she followed him into the kitchen. JJ had disappeared upstairs with Josh as a weak shout had called back downstairs. Simon got a glass from the cupboard and put some squash in it, forgetting to offer Mallie a drink.

"He's another YouTuber friend, he lives here with us three. It's me, Josh, Jide and Vikk." Simon walked to the sink and filled the rest of his glass with water.

"What about JJ then? Doesn't he live here?" Mallie was confused at who Jide was. Simon laughed and acted a facepalm but Mallie stood puzzled.

"Jide is short for Olajide who also has a nickname of JJ." Simon explained to Mallie and her confusion was lifted. She laughed at herself slightly, feeling as if she should have figured that one out herself. Simon lead her upstairs to meet Vikk. They could hear Josh and JJ talking in his room so they joined them. Simon walked right into the room but Mallie stood at the doorway of this foreign home. Vikk was mid conversation with Josh but he stopped to smile at her and she returned. "Vikk, this is Mallie. Josh and I know her from school but we're only really meeting for the first time recently."

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