> i love you. <

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"He's gone." Simon stuck his head around his bedroom door where Mallie was laying, bored out of her mind waiting for Simon. As he walked in, she shuffled up and skipped towards him, meeting at a hug in the middle of his room.

"I'm sorry you had to deal with him today." Mallie squeezed him.

"It's fine. He was...understanding." Simon kissed her forehead, thinking about the conversation they had had. At first he had threatened the hell out of him but Simon proved to him how much he'd changed, admitting that he was so deeply in love with her but waiting until she was ready.

"Can we go out somewhere?" Mallie asked, talking into his chest.

"It's kind of late, where you want to go?" Simon glanced down to his watch, 10:34pm.

"I want to go to the park with the bridge that goes over the river." Mallie grinned at him and Simon raised an eyebrow, stepping a step back.

"Are you going to kill me?" Simon chuckled a little causing Mallie to laugh. "Why do you want to go there at this time?"

Mallie shrugged, "It's pretty there."

It didn't take Simon just persuading before he agreed to go out. He quickly jumped in the shower for the second time after he found some more egg in his hair. Mallie waited downstairs in the kitchen where Josh was making his late dinner.

"What are you and Simon up to now then?" He asked, checking on his pasta in the pan. Mallie grinned to herself.

"We're just going to go for a walk by the river." Mallie fiddled with her fingers as she thought about how and what she was going to say to Simon.

"At this time?" Josh turned around to rest against the counter with his legs crossed over at the bottom.

"It's pretty at night." Mallie smiled at him but he kept a straight face. She furrowed her eyebrows, trying to figure out what was wrong.

"It's dangerous at this time of night." Josh stated before turning back around and aimlessly stirring the pasta although it didn't need it.

"It's okay Josh, I'll be with Simon? Plus, I told you, I need to talk to him about something." Mallie got up and poured herself some water, feeling a little nervous.

"Is it a good or bad talk?" Josh turned to look at her briefly but began acting weird, being a little shifty.

"Good. Are you okay?" Mallie asked, walking next to him and peering over the pan. She noticed a few beads of sweat on his forehead but she assumed it would just be from the cooking and the steam.

"I'm kushty, you want to tell me what it's about?" Josh tried changing the subject back. Mallie randomly pulled Josh into a hug and he didn't resist. He placed his arms around her shoulders and rested his chin on her head.

"I just want to prove how much this relationship means to me. Stepping up my game." Mallie giggled a little but she got no response from Josh. She felt like she knew something was bothering him.

"Are you going to propose?" Josh played a weak joke but this time Mallie looked at him with concerned eyes.

"No Josh. I've never said...the words...before to anyone so I want to make it special."

"Oh," Josh finally understood what she was intending to do. His words sounded a little depleted so he scrambled for something to say. "I think, I- er, I mean, I hope it goes well, shit- ow."

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