The Girl of Life ~Chapter 24~ (Naruto Story)

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    It was late out so Mizuki didn't expect to see anyone out at this time, she just wanted to sit by the river and watch it. As she sat there she thought about how her life was going to be different while she was back at home with her family. Maybe she would attend a school with her siblings for a while. Like Jirayia said it would help her not be bored while she sat around basically doing nothing. Then she could go to the springs and rest as she would review schoolwork that is if she was even going to attempt going to a school. Mizuki then started to fiddle around with a piece of grass as she was still sitting there in deep thought. If she did go to a school what would it be like? Would she have test like at the academy, is the classrooms set up like hers were? Would she make any friends or should she just stay with her siblings? All of these thoughts were really starting to bother Mizuki as she just sat there thinking about more and more different possibilities that could happen. She then laid down in the cold grass and exhaled "I hope I'm not away for too long. I don't want my friends forgetting about me." She let out another breath. "Mizuki? What are you doing out here?"

Mizuki rose up and turned around to see Kiba and Akamaru standing there, "Oh hey Kiba, hey Akamaru. I just needed some fresh air before going to bed. What are you two doing out here?"

Kiba smirked and said "Well our little buddy here needed to use the bathroom so we thought that we might as well go for a stroll. If you want we could walk you home."

Mizuki smiled and replied, "Yea that would be great, I would much rather walk and talk to you then be here by myself right now."

So Kiba went down and helped Mizuki up as they started walking to Mizuki's house.

"So are you excited to go home and see your family?" Kiba asked as they walked.

Mizuki slightly smiled and said, "Yea I guess so, I mean I miss them and everything but, I'm going to be missing the village and you guys way more. It's just going to be different being back in my family's village, I would rather be here doing stuff."

Kiba nodded, "Yea I can see what you mean by that, ha you've basically grown up here with all of us so, it would be hard to just get up and leave for a while. But, don't worry Mizuki we'll all be here waiting for your return and, then when you get back we'll have a big reunion."

Mizuki smiled and said "I would like that very much."

When they made it to Mizuki's house she thanked Kiba and Akamaru for walking her home and, told them good night. When she went inside, she saw Jirayia was at the table writing. Mizuki told him that she was going to bed and went upstairs and laid in her bed. She sighed and rolled over facing the wall, as she thought more about tomorrow and fell asleep.  

    The next morning Mizuki rolled over and just faced the door and just scowled at the door until she finally forced herself to get out of the bed. She walked out of the room and ran down the hall to get to the bathroom and started taking a shower. Once she was finished with her shower she ran back down the hallway and ran into her room and jumped on the bed and wrapped her covers around her; she basically looked like a cocooned child as she scowled at the door again and looked at her packed bags and stuck her tongue out at them. Yes she was being very childish and she knew she was but, then again she really didn't care. She didn't want to go to her home village and she didn't want to go to some boring public school. Jirayia then knocked on her door and opened it and peeked in and saw how Mizuki was sitting on the bed. "Mizuki why are you sitting like that? And why do you have that look on your face?"

"Because I'm upset."

Jirayia sighed and rubbed his face "Well I hate to break it to you but you're going to have to stop being upset and get happy. You're going to be seeing your family today and you should be excited about that."

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