The Football Liking Challenge

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I was nominated by TheoJamesIsGreek .You are all nominated,just comment your likings bellow!

1)Favorite Footballer(s)
Kostas Fortounis,Mario Götze,Claudio Marchisio,Marc Bartra

2)Favorite U20 Footballer(s)
Luca Zidane ofc

3)Favorite Football Club(s)
Olympiacos is my team...😍But Bayern are my bæsss

4)Favorite Manager(s)
Marco Silva is one love....

5)Favorite Footballer of a rival team.
Whaaaat?I hate Panathinaikos.No.Wrong question.Not gonna answer....

6)Least Favorite Footballer of you team.

7)Favorite National Team
C' heart goes to my country,Greece!But...Germany is almost in my heart.But will never replace my Grecia...

8)Worst National Team.
Long story...If you guys remember,Greece lost from a certain country and didn't manage to go to top 8 of the Mundial.So,I kiiiinda hate that NT...Costa Rica....

9)Favorite Footballer from your National Team(Not from the team you support.)
Ha,I was gonna say Kostas Fortounis but since I am not allowed,I will go with Andreas Samaris,because...legend...

10)A song that reminds you of your main team
Song?Hm...Oh yeah!~We Are The Champions~ for the well-known reason.

11)Which year was the year you first wore clothes of your mainfootball team?
I have uploaded a photo in my Instagram account where I am only 13 months old and I am dressed up in red,because of Olympiacos...You can guess the rest.

12)What does you mum do when you watch football with your dad?
Watching with us?My mum knows so-freaking-much-about-football.She is better than my classmates...They played a game where my mum beated them in sports...

13)Does your mum know anything about sports?
Hm...more than you can imagine...

14)Who is your mum's favorite footballer?
Zinedine Zidane.

15)What do wear when you watch football?
I always wear my #7 Kostas Fortounis Jersey.

16)Who do you watch football with?
Always my dad.ALWAYS.My friends have asked me multiple times to watch with them but...I CAN'T WATCH FOOTBALL WITHOUT MY DAD...But he doesn't watch football without me either...One time,I went to a birthday party and there was a TV playing the match but I didn't watch it.Neither did he...We are an ultimate team...

17)Which is your goalkeeper-idol?
Mr.Gianluigi Buffon...

18)What team does your parents support?
Ehm...Olympiacos?What else?But as long as non-greek teams are considered,my dad supports Barcelona and my mum Bayern Munich.

19)National Teams your parents support,besides your own country?
My dad was born in Brazil so,it is normal to support Brazil.But my mum(💪) has always supported Germany and I guess I also caught the virus...

20)Does your main team have a women's club?If so,do you want to join it?
Unfortunately,Olympiacos doesn't have a football team for women....But maybe there will be in the future?

21)Meet your favorite footballer but not your team,or your team but not your favorite footballer?
"Team always comes first."So I guess...OLYMPIACOS⚽🔴

21)Meet your favorite footballer or women and men playing together(also you will play with them)?
Omg second!

22)Your favorite footballer go to a rival team or kiss a player for a rival team?
I must love Kostas Fortounis very much...I will go with the second.But after kissing Nick Karelis or Marcus Berg,I have to wash my face with bleach.

23)Was there any player who was in your main team and got transferrer and you miss him?
Let's begin.Kostas Manolas,Andreas Samaris,Kostas Mitroglou,Mathieu Dossevi,Kevin Miralas,Jose Holebas...

24)Where there any player who was in your main team and got transferred and you are happy he left?

25)And last,have you ever watched your main team live?With who?National Cup or European Championship?Did you win or lose?
I have only been to Karaiskakis once and it was on December 9th 2015.IT WAS AMAZING...It was the game against Arsenal where we got eliminated...I SAW KOSTAS FORTOUNIS CRY....But the experience was ONCE IN A LIFETIME FEELING...(Also,I wanna thank my dad who bought the tickets,jerseys,scarfs and sandwitches only to make my experience perfect...I am crying now that I am writing this...THANK YOU SO MUCH DAD!)

Random Question:Do you watch basketball?If so,favorite players?
Of course I do!Olympiacos is not only for football...
George Printezis and Alessandro Gentile!!!

~I wanna know your answers!Comment!~

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