Go Figure

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 "Guess who?" A voice said, slashing through my dream like a knife.

"Santa Claus?" I remarked, my tone dripping with sarcasm.

 "Close, but nah. It's your bestest friend in the universe!" An all too familiar deep voice sang, I could imagine the grin  that came with it.

"Alice?" I questioned with fake innocence, knowing this would annoy him.

"No! It's Nick, you douche." A now pissed off voice cried, pulling the covers off me. I frowned, I was not a morning person.

"You have five seconds to run before I murder you." I said, getting out of my bed. Nick grabbed my bear, Brutus. He smirked, as my eyes widened with shock.

"Bloody murder!" I screamed, and jumped onto his back. He grunted and dropped Brutus, making me grin like the chesire cat. I clung on.

"Geddorrff!" I managed to interpret from his yell. Not a chance. He bent down, and tipped me over,

 so as I was under him.

"No fair!" I complained, pouting. The door opened, and my mom came in. Nick blushed, when she took in the positions we were in. We both stood up. I smirked, an idea forming in my head.

"I, Ms Evans, it's-" Nick tried to say, stuttering, before I interrupted him.

"It's okay mom, Nick's gay." I remarked casually, laughing my ass off internally. Nick

  Castelo was the biggest player in school. Nick's blushed profusely and I grinned evilly. My mom was blushing too, probably thinking of excuses to leave the room.

"There's nothing to be ashamed of, Nick. Right ma?" I questioned, a mask of fake

 naivity plastered on my face.

"Uh, yes, Elle's right Nick, being homosexual is nothing to be embarassed about. I, uh,

 need to go and butter the toast..." My mom, blurted, practically running out the room. My mom sucked big time at lying.  Nick narrowed his eyes at me, and crossed his arms. I knew that look on his face. His eyes were narrowed, his arms crossed, but his lips weren't doing their assigned job. Maybe I would get to see my mom again this evening. As if on cue, he smirked.

 It wasn't a nice smirk, it was an 'I'm going to kick your ass." smirk. I groaned aloud. He tutted and shook his head.

"We both know what happens to liars Elle..." He whispered, closing the door. My eyes roamed the room, looking for some sort of aid.

"B-b-but, we have school, we're going to be late..." I exclaimed, my lip trembling. "You didn't seem so enthusiastic when I was trying to wake you up earlier." Nick retorted, raising an eyebrow challengingly. Grabbing some clothes, my makeup bag, and my school bag, I dashed out of the room and into my ensuite bathroom, locking the door behind, me. Victory

 is sweet. I looked through the tops I'd chosen and finally settled with my tank top that said, 'NAPTIME, YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE MISSING TILL IT'S GONE.' it was green, and it sort of went with the day so far. I put on some blue skinny jeans, and then put on my makeup. I didn't go too overboard, I hated it when people hid their face with foundation, it was like cheap plastic surgery. If I got spots, I showed them to the world, to show the world, that I wasn't perfect. Nick was

 still knocking on the door, like there was no tomorrow. Well, there'd be no tomorrow for me, if I let him in. I silently thanked God that I was lazy, as my mobile phone was still in my bag from yesterday. I quickly, brushed my hair and teeth, and sprayed some DKNY perfume on, I wasn't rich, my mom just had a thing for perfumes. I dialled my home phone, and when my mom answered I spoke quickly.

"Mom, I need to to call Nick down right now, I need to escape, take him to the garden and ask him about football, it'll keep him going forever. I have to go, love you!" I said, taking a breath, I hadn't let my mom get a word in edgeways, I would thank her later, for this and for being able to understand my rushed talk. She was the only one, apart from Alice that could understand me when I spoke really fast. I heard my mom calling Nick down, and I took my chance as soon as I heard the word 'football', I unlocked the door and ran downstairs, praying that today wouldn't

 be the day that Alice decided to ditch me for her boyfriend Jack. Luckily her car was just outside, I jumped in, and told her to step on it. Once I had caught my breath, and we were far away from Nick, I explained. We were both almost in tears when I told her about the gay scene. As soon as we parked the car, Jack came rushing towards us, he was like a golden retriever, I mean, I'd barely been able to see Alice these past few days, she was always with Jack. But, hey, I was happy

 for her.

Okay, i know, i know it's short, but I need to know if it's worth carrying on, I'm writing it anyway, but I may not post on here. Thanks for reading, post and fan <3 I'm new here, so idk much about wattpad ;3.

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