Chapter 3

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After explaining everything to Alice, and enduring many squeaks and occasional yells, I made the excuse of needing to talk to Nick. She sighed and I caught something about seeing her later, as she ran to Jack as if she'd not seen him in a year. I laughed to myself, when someone whispered in my ear.

"Can I be in on the joke?" The voice whispered. I shivered, and turned around, to see Aaron. I grinned  like the idiot I was. "That depends." I stated, folding my arms. He smirked sexily, and raked a hand through his hair.

 "On what, exactly?" He enquired, tilting his head cockily.

"Walk with me and you'll see." I said bravely, and I started to walk. How stupid could I get, I mean why would he follow me, if- "Wait up." He said, catching his breath. Suddenly,  Amber, the head cheerleader shoved me out of the way with her butt. She should really put that strong butt of hers

 into good use. Can opening, moving buildings, saving the world... There were many options in her future, I thought,  hiding my thoughts in the smirk I know wore. Aaron looked shocked, before he put out his hand to help me up.

 "Ew, you're touching trash. It doesn't matter though you can watch your hands before you-" Amber began, but she stopped when Aaron put his icy blue eyes into good use. He gave her a cold stare, the type that summoned goosebumps to your arms. I shivered, and mumbled a thanks to Aaron. "You think you can prance around and shove people out of the way, and tell lies?" Aaron said, putting his arm around my waist.

"Lies?" Amber said, widening her eyes, with fake innocence. I narrowed my eyes. She was going for the bambi approach. Let me give you a little heads up on what Amber looks

 like. She has dyed black hair, and a face smothered in foundation. She had blue eyes, and the perfect figure. It's so cliché, head cheerleader and all, but that's just how it is. She always has long nails, with leopard print designs and her Pauls Boutique bag, that her daddy dished out for her. I slowly made myself come back to reality.

"Yes, lies." Aaron answered, through gritted teeth. Before barbie could say anything more,

 Aaron spoke.

"Come on Elle, lets get out of the barbie section. We're too old to play with them now." He said, taking my hand. I followed him, Amber looked dumbfounded, but soon had some man-whore comforting her. If you know what I mean. We ran all the way to the field laughing. My cheeks were rosy and I had a big smile on my face. I felt good. I hadn't felt that since the incident. I lay down on the grass and closed my eyes. Aaron followed my actions.

"Why do you pretend everything is okay, when inside you're feeling like shit?" Aaron asked me, his eyes searching mine. I felt like he could see into me. I blushed, and avoided his searching gaze. "Because, everything is okay." I replied, looking back at his gaze.

"Is it really, Elle?" Aaron replied, looking deep into my eyes. "Don't worry Elle, everythings going to be okay." Aaron remarked, moving a stray strand of hair from my face. He let his hand linger

 on my cheek longer then needed, but I wasn't complaining. My breathing had become uneven, from a single touch. He took his hand away, and blushed. My cheek felt empty, like his hand had belonged there. I sighed internally.

 "Thanks, for standing up for me." I said, not quite making eye contact, I knew I would be putty in his hands if I did.

"I just hate liars, but no problem." He mumbled, fiddling with his hands. The bell rang, to my luck, to avoid any more awkward moments and unwanted questions.

"See you after math!" Aaron yelled as he ran the opposite way to me.

"Nerd!" I called back, grinning.

 Alice came running to me, an accusing look on her face.

"Talking to Nick, huh?" She retorted, a snort coming out of her mouth.

"I, uh, did. But then Aaron came out of no where, and, I..." I replied. Sadly for me, being crap at lying

 ran through the family. Alice raised her eyebrow, and linked arms with me, and waited for me to speak. I midly told her how we bumped into eachother, but I told her all the juicy details of the Amber incident, we both were grinning by the end of my tale.

"I like him already. He has my blessing." Alice said, walking into our spanish class.

"Blessing?" I questioned, confused.

"To be your boyfriend, silly. I'm your best friend so I give him your blessing to become your

 boyfriend..." She said in her 'duh, isn't it really obvious' tone.

"But-" I started, but was cut off by Signora. García ushering us in. Spanish passed quickly, and before I knew it the day was over. I walked over to the math classroom, and waited outside dutifully. In a few minutes the door opened and Aaron came out with lots of girls behind his side. He waved to me, and hugged me.

"Thanks for saving me," he whispered in my ear. I smirked, and  shrugged. I still was in awe to how he could resist Amber and choose me over her. Okay, well he didn't 'choose' me, but he chose my company. I mean I'm average looking, with brown hair, and an okay body. The only nice thing

 about me, is my eyes. Which are amber. But I mean, look at Amber the person. I was nothing compared. I mean, sure, guys told me I was hot, but I- Aaron interrupted my thoughts again, "Please don't tell me you're a Costa person."

 He said, smiling.

"Ew. Costa is so overrated. Starbucks forever baby." I blurted, before I realised I'd added on the 'baby'. A groan escaped me by accident. He looked worried.

"Are you okay Elle? You can always get me a coffee another day, I mean not if you don't want to, I don't want to intr- he started to ramble but I interrupted him. We seemed to be interrupting eachother a lot.

"I'm fine, I was just thinking about homework. Now, lets go buy you that coffee." I remarked, and grabbed his arm. His eyes widened, maybe my skin was weird? Wait, how can skin be weird.

"You mean you buy us coffee." He remarked, smirking his sexy smirk that I felt he put on just for me. I blushed stupidly, great move Elle, now he's going to think you're just another one

 of his fan girls... I texted Alice telling her I was seeing a friend, and did the same for my mum. Should I ask for his number? No, maybe it'd come up later.

"Earth to Elle, we're here." Aaron said, chuckling to himself. I smiled, embarassed, and we went into Starbucks.

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