An Accident

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You were walking back to your apartment from the club a few blocks away. It was late but you were hoping that you’d get home safe and quickly without anything happening. You noticed a guy walking behind you and after watching way too many scary movies, you started to walk faster out of fear. Then all of a sudden the guy grabbed you and pulled you into the alley you were crossing. You could already smell the alcohol from him realizing this man was drunk. You tried screaming for help but not a lot of sound came out because he covered it. 

“Well aren’t you pretty..” He then became more violent and started ripping your dress. A few tears ran down your cheeks but then all of a sudden the guy wasn’t anywhere near you and you looked around to see the guy being punched by some random stranger. You were in shock and still crying from fear. You knew you shouldn’t have been walking home alone but you didn’t think something like this would happen. When you looked at the face of the stranger you were a bit shocked to see it was Justin Bieber. You tried covering yourself since your dress was now ripped and you took a deep breath trying to calm down and not cry but you just couldn’t. “Hey… I’m not gonna hurt you. I just want to make sure you’re okay.” You sniffled looking up at him and bit your lip. “Do you mind if I help you out?” He held out his hand and you grabbed it getting up but falling over a little since your heels broke. 

He carried you to his condo and surprisingly he was being really nice and sweet. “I’ll find some clothes for you to uh.. wear. You can shower in the bathroom. What’s your name by the way?” You bit your lip and whispered slightly, “(Y/N).” He gave you a warm smile, “Well it’s nice to meet you (Y/N). If you need anything just call out my name. I’ll have some clothes ready for you to change into once you’re all done in the bathroom.” You smiled weakly and went into the bathroom. You were a bit shocked at the fact that someone who didn’t know you at all was able to be so incredibly kind to you. What you didn’t know was that from that one encounter, of him saving you from being raped, you would end up in a relationship that lasted until you died, having a family of your own and living happily ever after.

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