Happy 22nd birthday Harry. I'm wearing a hat, just like you do. Yaaay! Do the math people! Some of you may not like math. But in this instance and many other instances, this is what you have to do. It's easy. Just write on a piece of paper the year, (2016) minus that from the year Harry was born in, (1994). What does that make? Answer: 22. Harry is 22 years old. Can you believe it?! No I can't. My Harry is getting older now since X-factor. I love his a Louie's baby boy. He is adorable AF. I know their is still some Larry shippers out there. So don't hate me.
Btw, I love Larry Stylinson.I love Freddie Rayne Tomlinson. On Twitter I saw @RealBabyFreddie, so I followed him. I don't know if Louis made that account or someone else did, idk what happened. So, I just think it's cute he has a twitter account.
But also it's also a little suspicious. Freddie can't even see yet. He also doesn't know about Twitter. I mean, what is this???! Freddie doesn't even know how to spell. Freddie isn't even 5 years old yet, he's a baby. Heaven sake.
OK, I'm being distracted. I'm watching Ellen, so I'm not concentrating very well. I'm going to finish watching this and hopefully I'll update a story.Enjoy kitties, bye for now 👋