The Sacrifice

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"Neal?" Emma questioned, the boy looked at her confused. Emma shook her head, of course the young boy didn't know who Neal was, he hadn't even been Bealfire for a decade! Emma took Bealfire by the hand and lead him out of the library. He looked scared and squeezed Emma's hand tighter, it reminded her of when she had first met Henry, how young he had been. The group followed Emma and Bealfire through the town has he told them where he had last been with his mother, but time and time again there was no luck, they couldn't find her anywhere. Suddenly a voiced started shouting behind them, Emma turned around to see a woman running towards them "Bealfire!" she called. Bealfire released his grip from Emma's hand and ran towards the woman "Mama!" he shouted as they wrapped their arms around each other in joy and relief. Emma walked up to the two of them and put her hands in her pocket "you're his mother?" she asked smiling slightly, she didn't want to admit it to herself, but she was jealous of their sweet reunion, all she wanted was to be reunited with her Killian, sooner rather than later. The woman stood up taking her son's hand "Yes, he's my son, why was he with you?" she asked becoming defensive . Emma raised her hands slightly "Woah lady, he was lost, we were just trying to help" she said. The woman relaxed a little "well, thank you, and my name's Milah by the way" she said picking put her young son. Emma's eyes grew wide as she realized who she was talking to, the mother of Bealfire, was the ex wife of Mr Gold, which meant... This was the woman Killian was in love with. She felt herself tense up but tried to relax knowing that there was no possible way for Milah to know who she was. "you're welcome" Emma said walk backwards little to stand closer to Henry. Emma knew what she wanted to ask next, whether or not Milah had seen Killian, had to found her and decided that he might as well live out the rest of eternity with her? However Emma wasn't sure if she want to know then answer, what if he had, what if Milah tried to stop them take him back to the world of the living. Before Emma could say anything Regina stepped forward "We're looking for someone, do you know where new people turn up when they get here?" she asked folding her arms in a defensive way. Emma noticed how Regina didn't use Killian's name, maybe she knew who Milah was too. Milah smiled, her face seemed kind, genuine and loving, honestly, it made Emma feel safe around her. "You're looking for Killian" she stated. Emma opened her mouth to speak but no words came out, she was shocked. Hesitantly she raised her hand slightly "You, you know who we are?" she asked tucking a piece of her behind her ear. Milah shook her head "I know who you are, Emma, but I don't know anyone else is i'm afraid" she said almost awkwardly. "I saw him yesterday, the day he arrived, he was very disorientated and upset, we spoke for a while, I tried to explain things to help but he said he had to go and find you, that you were coming" she added. Emma looked back to her family and then back to Milah, was she saying what Emma thought she was? That Killian knew they were coming? "Where is he now!?" Emma asked with urgency in her voice. Milah shook her head once more "Don't know i'm afraid, haven't seen him since then...But you might want to try the west caves..." her voice became quite as if she didn't want her young son to hear what she was saying "if you haven't seen him yet, it's probably because Hades doesn't want you to... The West Caves is said to be where he keeps prisoners, people who disobey him" she said. Emma thought back to the vision she had, maybe it wasn't just a dream after all, maybe Killian had been trying to reach out to her in some way. "look, I have to go, it was nice to meet you, Emma" she finished, Emma smiled and nodded as Milah and Bealfire walked of into the distance. She turned around to face her family, they looked worried, and nervous about what Emma's next move might be. "Look's like we're going to the West Caves" Henry said placing his hand on his mothers shoulder. "No!" Emma said looking at Henry, "It's too dangerous, I'll go, you should all say here" she stated. Mary Margaret stepped forward and took Emma's hands in hers "Emma, if you think you're doing any of this on your own you are very mistaken" she said very matter of fact. Emma looked around at all of the loving faces around her, she knew how lucky she was to have all of these people in her life, not only did they want to help her but they were willing risk their lives for the person she loved. "Okay" she agreed.

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