Chapter Six

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Ellie's POV

I quickly closed the door, my breath quickening. I had to reassure myself that I was going crazy, just imagining things. I fumbled with my information band.

"Oh, hello my majesty," A female voice said behind me.

I jumped and screamed, I didn't realize that someone was here. It was sweet Evelyn, smiling at me. I relaxed and smiled. "Hello, Evelyn," I greeted. "Where is Harley and, uh, Raven?" I stuttered. I didn't know why, but I'm a little jumpy.

"Oh they're fetching your dinner."

I wish I could've gone for it myself. I wanted to talk to Dominic again, especially since we were kind of interrupted the last time we spoke. By Braxton...

Where was he anyway?

"Where's Braxton?"

Evelyn smiled. "He was in a meeting, but he should be finished," she said kindly.

I nodded without saying anything. I think I was still in shock about what had happened. I just left the room without saying a word. Damien, of course, was outside waiting for me. He gave me an emotionless face, the same face all the knights and guards make.

I took the same route I did the night I tried to run away, down to the kitchen. I just really wanted to talk to Dominic. I feel like he's the closest thing to normal here.

I slowly opened the door I went through the first time, and I could feel Damien right behind me. It was the kitchen with many chef's busy at work.

I froze, forgetting that Dominic wasn't the only one who worked there. Most turned their heads towards me, and the ones that didn't were nudged. "Hello, your highness." they all said in unison and bowed their heads.

I blushed, forgetting that I was their future queen. "H-hello, um, you can continue your work." I said trying to be confident but failing miserably.

One of the younger chefs came up to me smirking. "Your highness, is there anything I can do for you?" he said staring at me. He made me a bit uncomfortable.

"Uh, in fact, you can!" I said giving him a smile. That might have been the wrong thing to say because that caused him to step closer. "Oh really?"

I turned my head to look for Damien for help, but he just shrugged. Wow, thanks. I turned back to the chef and politely smiled again but not so big. "Yes, do you know a young chef named Dominic?" I asked nicely.

I saw his face go sour, but I didn't know why. "Yeah, he's I the back, getting the ingredients." he grumbled.

I cocked my head not understanding why he was so grumpy. However, I walked away from him in the search of Dominic.

I found a door and Damien came to open it for me. I sighed heavily while walking through it. I can take care of myself, I thought. My eyes brightened when seeing Dominic. "Hi, Dominic! How are you?" I asked excitedly. I saw him jump and drop some bags.

He looked up at me and gave me a small smile. "I really shouldn't be talking to you, Elise." he said quietly and glaring at Damien.

My eyes widened. "W-why?"

"I'd rather not be thrown in jail for treason, then executed."

"Why would you be thrown in jail?" I cocked my head.

Dominic looked around and gave me a long, hard sigh. He came close to me and brought his lips to my ear."You're the king's fiancé. Our soon to be queen. Don't you understand how dangerous it is for me to talk to you? Anything that happens between us," he paused. "Could be interpreted as treason." he whispered

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