Chapter Nine

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A/N: I changed Elise's appearance a bit but not a lot. Instead of green eyes she's going to have blue. Emily Rudd plays her, look at the picture at the top to see what I think she looks like!

Ellie's POV

My entire body hurts so much. No words can describe how painful and sore my muscles are. Brenden might seem like a nice man, but he is actually a cruel tyrant. Brent is even worse. He showed absolutely no mercy, what's so ever. I guess they really are Braxton's brothers.

At least Brenden let me have breaks, but Brent doesn't as much. And I appreciate that they care so much- actually Braxton probably told him to be like this. Meanie.


I whined as Brent instructed me to do the same hitting setup again. Punch, punch, kick, knee, punch, take down. It was tiring. I did the setup with no strength. It was weak but I was so tired, I did not even care.

"Again, but this time actually try."

Tears formed in my eyes from frustration. I prepared myself to do the setup again. However, all of a sudden a felt a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach. I fell to the ground and puked on the floor.

After about five minutes of vomiting, I looked up to see Damien, Fay, Brenden and Brent all hovering me. "Am I dying?" I asked them quietly.

Damien snorted. "No, why would you think that?"

My eyes widened when I remembered the things I've seen and heard. "One day, when some of my family went to the market, they came home puking. Then a few nights later they died. I heard that when you have deadly diseases you puke! I'm not wrong, am I?" I said hysterically.

Brenden looked at me and smiled. "It's okay, Elise. Yes, some people do catch diseases like the plague and die, but it's unlikely for that to have happened to you." he said reassuringly. It wasn't reassuring enough. The tears fell down my face. "Okay, if you don't believe me, we can make sure you don't have symptoms over time? How does that sound?" he asked.


Damien help me up, and hesitantly looked at the vomit beside us. He scrunched his nose and turn away. "Cleaning that up is not in not my job description, I'm just saying." he said keeping his hands on his sword. Fay crossed her arms and glared at Damien.

Brent nodded. "I understand, I'll have a servant clean it right away." he said waving someone over. "Fay, get Elise something to eat, and we'll continue training."

I sighed and nodded, but Brenden stepped between us. "She just vomited, Brent! Braxton is already going to kill us, she needs rest."

"What she needs, is to train. Braxton wanted her to be able to defend herself. Right now, she wouldn't even be able to fend off a baby."

I stared at Brent, not in hurt or offence. I mean, he's not wrong but it would be nicer if he didn't say it like that.

Brenden gave Brent a confused and upset look. "Yes, but that will happen gradually. Elise vomited because you were over working her. Just because she used to work on a farm doesn't mean she can handle this! She's not training until tomorrow, and you don't have a say in this." he said harshly.

When Brenden was angry, he reminded me of Braxton. A lot. Even though Brent and Brenden are identical twins, Brenden makes the same frustrated facial expression that Braxton makes when he's mad.

Damien looked at the two of them oddly, and took my hand. "I think Elise is going to change in her bed chamber. Goodbye, Prince Brent, Prince Brenden, and Lady Fay." he said nonchalantly.

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