Part 2: Needed Me

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Mark POV
Last night was great. Me and Leo actually talked outside of school. This year might not be bad. But today I don't feel like getting all ready so my choice is gray sweatpants that were snug, a white loose crop top with a Rihanna picture on it, and some white and black adidas. I put on my regular makeup but I put on rose gold eye shadow. I don't usually brag but I look good in a random outfit. I took out my phone and posted some pics to IG. I walk downstairs and my mom as usual is reading the newspaper. I give her a kiss on the cheek and walk out to my dad's car that he was already in. I get in and he pulls off towards my school. While he's driving he's talking to his boss about  some work. I don't care so I put in my earphones and blast Rihanna: Sex With Me. This song is my jam. My favorite song off Anti is a Desperado but this song is great too. In no time we pull up to my school. My dad is too busy to even pay me any mind.
I get out the car and make my way inside. While walking inside I spot Leo standing near my locker. I walk up to him and say a typical "goodmorning". He look down from his phone and give me a weird kind of hug.
Leo: we gon work on that hug but how you doing
Me: I'm good how bout you
Leo: ehh I'm good but I'll be better when we at the studio
Me: yeah I wanna see what you got going on
Leo: what's ya class now
Me: I got dance class
Leo: me too I'll walk you there
We start walking to class which is far on their her side of the school. I mean why do this school gotta be so big.
Me: you can dance
Leo: yeah I dance I gotta rap and bust some moves right
Me: I guess but you probably look funny because of your height
Leo: aight we gon see
We walk into class and we sit down. Most of the students here were boys mostly gay except Leo, Winston, and their friends. It's about 2 girls and that's it. We all make small chat until the teacher comes in. It's a lady with a figure 8 body. She was very beautiful. Her name is Ms.Wallace.
Ms.Wallace:alright now children get into your groups
Everyone gets into their group and I'm confused as hell. I didn't know we had groups. I walked up to the teacher and asked what group I was in. She asked for my name and she pointed at the group opposite of Leo and his friends.
I walk over to my group and say a small hello. They all returned it and Ms.Wallace gave us the run down of what we were going to do today.
My group had to dance to My Baby by Zendaya and I was leader. We had 10 minutes to come up with a full choreography. This is a big challenge. After our time was up we climbed on the stage and got into position. Ms.Wallace started the music and turned it up. I started rocking my hips to the music fiercely. We were dancing in a sexual style. When the song ended we were met by a big applause from the other group and Ms. Wallace. Me and my group walked off the stage and sat down in my chair next to Leo's.
Leo: how the hell did you choreograph a whole routine in ten damn minutes
Me: I always liked the song and always danced to it and they're fast learners
Ms.Wallace: now the second group hurry hurry
Leo and his homies walked on the stage. They immediately got their stances ready. The music started and Sex You by Bando Jonesz started playing. The boys started dancing in a sexual/hip hop style. They were straight killing it and Leo was front and center. While they were dancing me and Leo made eye contact a couple times and each time I blushed harder than than the last. After they finished we all clapped for them. They all walked off the stage and headed back to their chair.
Me: ok so you do have some moves
Leo: told ya I got moves
Me: maybe a little
Leo: little? You saw me grinding up there
Me: well.....
Ms.Wallace: well class is over have a song in mind tomorrow because your gonna dance to it tomorrow ok see y'all tomorrow
Me: Leo what's your next class
Leo: I got vocal class what you got
Me: same
Leo: well ain't I lucky
Me: very
Leo: someone cocky
Me:(giggles)well I can be at times
Leo: Ard come before we're late Mr.Torres hates late students
We walk a short distance to vocal class. Thank God it's only around the corner from the dance class.
Me and Leo sat down and Mr.Torres took attendance.
Me.Torres: alright Mark your up your song is Say My Name by Destiny's Child
  I was so excited because that's like an all time favorite. The chorus is the best part in my opinion. I walk up in the front of the class and everyone is quiet. I start to sing the first words
The rest of the words I sung in my best voice I could muster up. When I got to the chorus I high them notes spot on. I finished the song with a high note that is hard to reach even for professionals.
When I finished everybody was on their feet clapping for me. Mr.Torres had a shocked face on. I laughed at him and walked back to my seat. Leo of course congratulated me.
Leo: damn Mark I never knew you had it in you like that I mean damn
Me: thanks singing is like my drug I just love it
Leo: I can tell but I'm next wish me luck
Mr.Torres: Leo your up your song is They Need To Know by Wale
Leo walked to the front of the class and he spitted like crazy. Even though it wasn't his song you would think it was.
After that class we had actually educational classes like math and English. After the next couple of hours all I could think of is Leo. He is so cute and funny.
I was cut off by the bell ringing signaling for everyone to go home. I walked out into the hallways and walked to my locker. I put the heaviest books in there. When I closed the door Leo was on behind it just standing there all creepy. I low key kinda screamed.
Leo: you ready for our session
Me: yeah just let me text my dad
Leo: aight lets go
We walked out to his car and he opened the door for me. I thanked him and he nodded his head and closed the door then walked over to his side and got in. He pulled off heading to the middle class area. The radio had Work by Rihanna playing and I sung Rihanna part and Leo rapped Drake verse. In no time we pulled up to Platinum Studios. It looked nice  and was big too. We got out and headed in. Leo led the way and we walked into his studio room. It was two other people already there. Leo hand them a weird handshake.
Man: Ayo Leo who is this
Leo: this my boy Mark we gonna make some magic tonight
Man: is this in a contract
Leo: nah it's cool
Man: aight
Leo: Mark this is my cousin Oreo and the producer man Tarzan
Me: hello
Oreo&Tarzan: wassup
Oreo: so what song is we doing next it's only two songs left on the mixtape
Leo: let's do Red Diamonds first
Tarzan: Ard
Leo stepped into the booth and a Chinese trap kinda beat starts playing. It already sounded like a banger. Then Leo started rapping to it and it sounded even better. He rapped so fluently and he didn't mess up even once. I looked at Leo and noticed he didn't have a pen pepper and or a phone with. He was freestlying. And he was going in. After about 3 minutes or so then song came to an end.
Leo came out the booth and Tarzan played the verses over for Leo. And I guess Leo wasn't satisfied because he went back in the booth and  added background vocals that sound like an echo in certain parts of the song. Leo came back out and listened to it again and he was satisfied.
Leo: aight that's done Tarzan you gonna add some tweaking to it later and me and Mark can do the song
Oreo: X Marks The Spot?
Leo: yeah that one it's the last song on the record
Tarzan: good choice
Leo: Mark go in the booth put on the headphones and just sing and we'll find the chorus
Me: ok
I go in the booth and put the headphones on. I start singing random notes for about 2 minutes. Leo came in and told me to repeat "X marks the spot on my heart and you threw that away when you left me in the dark" two times but in different octaves. I did it and they signaled for me  to come out. I walked out and they replayed me singing along the beat which was a trap kinda slow song. I don't mean to toot my own horn but I sound good.
Leo: sit back Mark and watch me make this magic
Me: I'll be watching all right
Leo put the headphones on and started rapping slow. It went along with the beat. He sounded great when he rapped slow then went faster then slowed back down. After he got done he came out and they replayed it for us.
Me: it's sounds great
Leo: yeah but it's missing something
Me: like what
Leo: go in there and sing in your highest note
Me: ok
I go in and sing in my highest note. He didn't tell me what to sing so I was basically making noises in a high pitch voice. After  a minute I came out and they did a little bit of work on it. They then replayed it and it sounded perfect.
Leo: see now that's what I call magic
Me: wow it sounds perfect
I look at my phone and it's 10:45. It's time for me to go.
Leo: I'll take you home Mark
Me: thank you can I ask you something
Leo: yeah
Me: can we take a picture
Leo: of course
Me: yay
I pulled out my phone and took 4pictures each in different filters. They all came out nice.
Leo: I'm gon send you a copy of the song as soon as possible and I got Jeremy to do the cover art for the single
Me: single!?
Leo: yes single it's very special so it only feels right to be the first single
Me: wow this is awesome thank you Leo can I see the cover art
Leo: here
He pulls out his phone and goes to his messages. He pressed the link Jeremy sent him and handed the phone to me. It was a picture of a heart with an x on it. It had me and Leo's name on it. It really felt special to me. This is so unbelievable like I'm really making music with Leo, my crush.
Leo: come on I gotta get you home
Me: ok 
We headed to the car. While in I immediately went to sleep. Leo turned down the radio and headed towards my house.
I woke up to a gentle shake. I opened my eyes and saw Leo looking at me. I looked out the window and saw I was outside my house.
Me: Leo I had a lot of fun today and thank you so much for having me on your record
Leo: it was fun for me too
Me: can I ask you a question
Leo:go ahead
Me:why are you letting a complete stranger on your music
Leo: because I was hoping I could get know you  more by doing it
Me: well it worked
Leo: i was hoping so
Me: one more question how did you come up with the title
Leo: x MARKs the spot
Me: Mark?its about me?
Leo: yeah
Me: oh wow I thought you was you know
Leo: straight? I know
Me: then your not
Leo: yes I am but it's just you I'm attracted to your the only boy I've had feelings for
Me: awe thank you(kisses his cheek) goodnight
Leo: goodnight
I walk out the car and walk in the house. I was beyond excited that this really happened. I walked upstairs to my room. I sat down in my bed and uploaded the pics I took earlier of me and Leo to Instagram. I captioned it #XMarksTheSpot. I put my phone on the charger and and laid down. As soon as my head hit the pillow I was sleep. I went to sleep feeling complete maybe Leo could be bae who knows.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2016 ⏰

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