In Loving Memory

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Sams pov
I hold my hands over his wound, trying hard to concentrate. The physical contact brings on the vision of his life. I learn everything about this boy just by this simple contact.
The experiment that turned him into Kid Flash. His friends, his father... who forced him to make a knife that could seriously hurt him. All the pain and secrets, his father forcing him to leave the League and burn his costumes. How he got captured and the torture he went through, the mental torture he put himself through.
I feel his body getting colder beneath me, and hear his shallow breathing.
'Hurry Seth.'
"Check in there." A gruff voice calls.
I recognize it as one of Kaedes guards,
'Not now... okay you can do this calm down and focus.'
I take a deep breath and feel my power spreading through me,
'Camouflage us... hide us from view.'
The door opens, I hold my breath squeezing my eyes closed.
"Clear in here." The voice is close.
The door closes and I hear receding footsteps. I don't let myself breath until I hear the other door close. I freeze once again when I hear the sounds of fighting. My body trembles as I listen, the main door opens again and I try hard to focus on camouflage.
"Sam!?" The door to the room opens again.
I let out a body shaking sob as I loose focus and reveal both of us.
"Sam." My sister says with relief.
I feel arms wrap around me, only one hand.
"Seth... did you... find them?" I say between hiccups.

Robins pov
We followed the directions the girl gave us, in the Bioship. We come across a run down bus station where she tells us to land. As we exit our ship, men exit the station. The girl takes a sharp breath, letting us know these men are trouble.
"We'll take care of them. You go inside." Aqualad says to the girl.
A battle breaks out, ten guys with guns vs five superheroes. I throw two of my circular batarangs and they hit two of the ten guns. The two men drop their guns as they explode, I do the same to the last eight. My teammates take care of the rest as I head inside looking for the girl.
In a small back room I find her sitting with another girl who is covered In the blood of my best friend.
The girls look at me as I kneel next to him.
'M'gann we need to get back to the cave now. Wally doesn't have much time.'
'Bringing the bioship around now.'
'Rob is he...' Artemis asks
'Hes doesn't look too good.' I reply.
'M'gann assist Robin with Wally we'll finish these men.' Kaldur says.
Seconds after M'gann enters and gasps.
"We need to hurry" I say.

She nods and Wally starts to levitate. I stand and look down at the girls,
"Come on." I say.
The older one nods and assists the younger.
'How did these two come across Wally?' I ask myself.
"We were being held in the same place, by the same man." The younger says
"How did you-"
"Sorry... I read your mind." She says.
"Who are-"
"My name is Samilia, this is my older sister Sethara."
"Stop that"
"Just come on we don't have much time."
I shake my head as I lead them out of the station quickly. My mind is too jumbled and stressed to think.
We get in the bioship and speed off quickly.
'Stay with us Wally....'

Setharas pov
I sit against the wall next to my sister with a blanket around our shoulders. After we each took a shower the others let us borrow some clothes. I wear sweats and a tank top, while Sam wears leggings with a long shirt. We both wear our long wet brown hair up in a messy bun.
The room is quiet, the team sits or leans at random spots. Robin is the first to break the silence,
"We were best friends, how do I miss something as big as this? Why wouldn't he tell us??"
"Because we are his friends. He knows the things about our pasts that have hurt us. I don't know what went through our friends head, but I think he wanted us to be happy...." Aqualad says.
"I just thought he was some goofball that took nothing seriously. Guess I was wrong." Artemis says.
"He was a flirt, but he was sweet and funny. He cared about everyone..." M'gann says.
"if I'd payed more attention.... I could have found out sooner...." Robin puts his head in his hands.
"Don't blame yourself. He hid it well... we all should have noticed something was wrong recently." Aqualad says.
"I didn't know him long..." my voice is quiet, "he saved my sister and I... took a bullet because of it..." I look down at my knees sadly.
"Hes been through a lot..." Sam mutters.
I put an arm around her shoulders, knowing how she knew.
"Thats something I want to ask you guys. Who are you, who had all of you, and why??" Robin asks.
I look up and see all eyes on us, I look away quickly. I know he's trying to get his mind off his friend,
"Professor Kaede. He kidnapped my sister and I." I say.
"Three other people kidnapped Mr. Wally....." my sister says.
"How do you know?" Aqualad asks.
"Its one of my sisters powers. By physical touch she can know the history of an object or person." I say.
"Its one of them... I'm still learning control.... it just happened when I aas trying to-"
Tears fill her eyes and she buries her head in my shoulder. Its times like this I remember shes still young.
"My sister and I don't know why we were kidnapped. We just know that Wally saved us. He didn't know us, but he put himself through a lot of pain to get us out." I say.
"I'm sorry. I'm sure you all went through a lot... I wish we had found you sooner." M'gann says.
"Jeez... you guys make it sound like I'm dead." A voice says.
The few heroes who had been sitting stand and turn. Wally stands in the hallway to our left with the help of a blonde women in a blue jacket.
"Wally, your okay!" M'gann says as she and the others rush over to him.
"It is good to see you awake my friend" Aqualad says.
"Don't scare us like that man." Robin chastises.
"I'm afraid he still has a lot of resting to do before hes fully healed. He just wanted to see you guys before I gave him some pain killer that will knock him out." The women says.
"I am sorry to have worried you guys but I pulled through. Was there any doubt?" His smile is small but there.
"Your an idiot. Your never whelmed. And your impulsive." Robin says.
"I missed you too." Wally says with a chuckle and wince.
"Okay thats enough. Off to bed with you." The women says.
"Wait theres two people missing." He looks around until his eyes land on us.
I stand, pulling my sister with me.
"Are you two okay?" He asks.
"Fine. Thanks to you. We owe you a lot Kid Flash." I say.
"Nah. Without your help I wouldn't be here right now. Thanks Seth. Okay Canary I'm ready." He replies.
The women nods and helps him exit back the way they came.
The others seem relieved and exhausted.
"I could sleep on a bed made of nails." Robin says.
"I think we all deserve some rest. Our new friends can stay in some of our extra rooms. We have much to talk of when tomorrow comes." Aqualad says.
"Don't remind me." Artemis says.
M'gann floats over,
"Come on I'll show you to your room." She says.
"T-thanks..." I say.
'That can't be good... they're gonna ask questions. We don't have answers.... not that I want to share.... maybe when we fall asleep it can be a coma.'

Whew hes alive!! But he has some splainimg to do. Sam and Seth were random characters to add and I'm trying to figure out a past. This story is still about Wally though. But he was on the verge of death, not gonna be much goin on in his head. Now then thanks for reading! You guys rock! Until next time!

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