Lets Play a Game

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Wallys pov

Torture. Interagation. Pain. All for their sick gain.
Where is your team? What are their identities? Where can we find them? What are their weaknesses?
Over and over. All the questions, all the horror. My father was ruthless, as were the others. I could only imagine what my friends were going through. Since the Jokers here, I know Robins in a lot more pain.
"Okay screw up. Seems Crazy is ready for his game to start. Have to clean ya up a little." My father says as he enters.
I glare up at him, he grins as he comes to stand in front of me.
"Guess I could ruff ya up a bit first though."
Robins pov
My arms are tired of their hanging position. The chains digging in deeply as I was limp. I wanted Batman to find me, I wanted everything to be okay. I wanted my best friend to be okay, I wanted all of us out of here and somewhere safe and happy.
"Boy Blunder, are you excited? I am." He laughs like always.
"For what?" I ask, my voice hoarse and raspy.
"My game of course. You should be happy, you get to see your friends." Joker replies.
I narrow my eyes,
"What are you planning?"
"Now what fun would that be? You get to experience the game too."
'This can't be good.'
Artemis pov
I hate this. I can't fight back. The pain only bearable because I had hope. I kept information away from them, endured their torture. But when I get out of here, they are all going down.

3rd person
The three heroes were aloud showers before changing into party clothes. The masks were taken away.
Artemis wore a simple white dress with a moss green under tone. Her hair down in a half ponytail. Richard wore a dark blue suit with a red tie over a white button up, his hair slicked back. Wally also wore a dark blue suit jacket over a plain white shirt, his untamed hair laying as it usually did.
Bruises and Cuts were seen on all visible skin. The teens eyes, usually filled with fire, seemed dull and sad.
Robin was weary about his face being shown, but with no other choice left it be. Wally already knew, whats a couple more people?
After they were changed, they were led to another room on the floor just under the house. When the friends saw each other, they were relieved. Wally, knowing his team had heard his suicide note was timid, And when his friends were left alone in the room with him he expected a lecture.

But one never came.

Instead he got mushed in a group hug. He was surprised, and his face showed it when they pulled away.
"I'm sorry..." Robin said.
"Its going to get better Baywatch... we'll get out of here and everything will work out." Artemis adds.
"I'm sorry too..." Wally replies quietly.
"How touching. Such a sweet reunion. Now then Richy bird, lets take these two to a party." Joker says with a cackle
Where he had come from, none could say.
Joker ushers them towards the far wall. It opens when they near to reveal a large cavern with a helicopter. Joker again ushers them until they board the flying machine.

M'gann replayed what happened through a mind link. Barry was crushed, but tried hard to hide it. The whole League was worried about their young heroes. Barry, Oliver, and Batman especially.
Soon after the message was aired on their tv, they contacted the League. Roy had gone on his was, already looking for clues.
After everyone was filled In, the room was filled with conversation. That is until Superboy let out a shout for everyone to 'shut up'. He got a lot of glares, including the bat one, he simply pointed at the tv unfased.
The tv had again turned on, this time a written message, which Batman took a picture of. The others were glad he did, for the screen turned off once again.
"Whats it say?" BC asks.
"What has lots of people, fancy clothing, and conversation? What do these three places have in common? 1. The beach 2. A mansion 3. A hotel"
"Great. Any ideas?" BC asks.
"The first ones probably a party. I don't know about the second." Green arrow says.
"Maybe we just start with the party thing. Find out if theres three partys going on at those three places." Barry suggests.
"Already on it." Batman says. "The Hotel Endroit à la mode, Has a retirement party for some head business men. An Aires is having a birthday party at a private beach. And theres another party at Greenly Mansion." He informs.
"So what do we do?" Flash asks.
"Blend in. Canary and Arrow go to the retirement party. Flash and I will go to the Mansion. Superman and Martian man hunter to the beach. Aquaman will stay here in case something else happens."

The teams of two arrive in casual clothes to their respective post. Simultaneously one of the two in each pair is bumped and passed a folded piece of paper. Before they could react the culprit disappears into the crowd. As each person opens their note, they have the same reaction,
The thing they have in common is that your sidekicks aren't there.
With a growl, each pair storms off to regroup at Mount Justice.

Roy had done his own research. He looked for party's at places other than the three mentioned. It just so happened Lex Corp had a party at their office building. Roy was able to sneak in unseen and spy on the party guests.
Thats when he saw it.
At first it was a glimpse of red hair. Then it was the short dark haired boy. Then the stance of an strong headed archer.
But they vanished after that glance. As he looked for his friends, he came across a piece of paper.
So close. Time for phase two of the game.

The three teens were escorted by five of Jokers goons. The heroes were weak and knew that these people would be in danger if they tried to fight. They wanted this game to be over, they wanted to be free.
But yet again, their pleads fall on deaf ears. What was the point of this?
Their ushered out of Lexcorp and into a side alley. More goons wait for them, and grin as Joker speaks into their coms.
Thats when each hero is grabbed and pulled in separate directions. The heroes panic,
"Where are you taking us?? Whats happening!?" Artemis asks.
"Let us go!" Robin adds
They struggle to no avail, even as wounds open and bleed through their fancy clothes.
"Why are you doing this? The Justice League won't do anything to risk you lunatics gaining power." Wally says.
"Oh well. I'll just have fun killing you kidoes then."
The friends are taken away, all in separate directions. Away from each other with no idea of whats to come.

I might need to update my book summary.
How was it?
I'm trying, updating is difficult at the moment.... a lot going on.
Thank you for reading and commenting! It means the world!
What do you think of the pictures and videos so far? I'm not very good at drawing but I felt like sharing....
Thanks again guys! Have an awesome valentine's day and life. (Ps. If your bored look up the actual reason for Valentines day. I don't Remember but not much on love.)
I don't know about you guys but imma run around slapping people and crying out "you said you loved me!" Before running off.

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