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Liam's POV

Was Harry crazy? He actually wants us to win over the heart of a girl? What if she finds out and doesn't feel flattered, but used? Questions roamed my mind about this little game we had just begun. I mean it was gonna be hard especially since we're all competing against each other. Maybe we should have teams... Nah. That wouldn't work. I guess it's worth it though, she really is a beauty. All us guys fancy her. The door to the bathroom opens and out steps Faith wearing nothing but a towel.

I could feel my mouth drop, her cheeks turned a bright red from embarrassment. Quickly closing my mouth I looked around at the guys, they all had their eyes fixed on her. Her head faced the ground as she spoke. “Sorry, I, uh, forgot to get clothes.” Faith scurried off to her bedroom and closed the door. We all looked at each other, confused. Why would she be embarrassed? I asked myself.

Louis looked at me and smiled. “You see the way she looked at you Lad? Well, who cares, 'cause I'm oldest so I win already.”

Zayn laughed, “Being old doesn't exactly get you anything, Lou.”

Niall laughed so hard he choked on some crisps. “Yeah, just makes you old.” He said between coughs.

“She looked at me differently...?” I asked Louis. The guys just laughed instead of answering. She looked at me? I was too busy day dreaming about her to even notice. A couple minutes passed by when I heard a loud thump in her bedroom. Jumping from the black and white chair I was sitting in, I darted to her bedroom and opened the door. There she stood wearing nothing but a bra and underwear. I turned away and apologized.

“I'm sorry, I heard a thump and didn't know if you were hurt...” The rest of the guys were in the door way turned around, except Harry who was covering his eyes, but obviously peaking through his fingers.

“It's okay.” I heard her say. “I was walking to my closet to find some clothes, and I tripped on a shoe...”

Harry made this moment his time to shine, and uncovered his eyes. He made his way to her and held her hand. “Are you okay, Love? Did you hurt yourself?” Faith grabbed the first thing she found and tried covering herself with it. But since it was just a long sleeve t-shirt, it didn't help much.

“No I'm fine, I'm constantly tripping. My mom once said if I walked in a ten foot wide hallway with nothing in it, I'd still end up tripping and hurting myself.” She laughed. Her laugh was beautiful. She was beautiful. We all stood there awkwardly for a couple minutes before she spoke again. “What should I wear today?” Faith walked into her closet. Then she popped her head out, “Come on in, I don't bite.”

All five of us made our way into the closet, Harry made sure he was first one in. “How 'bout that?” Harry said pointing to her. She giggled and playfully hit him in the arm.

“You'd like that wouldn't you!?” She yelled and winked at him. This is gonna be hard to win.

Niall's POV

Us Lads and Faith were all in Faith's closet helping her find something to wear. Girls are so complicating. And Harry kept flirting with her, ugh. We asked her about several different outfits, but she said no to everything, even though she'd be gorgeous in all of the outfits picked out. She'd look gorgeous in anything, even sweat pants and one of my hoodies. I laughed at my thought causing the guys to look at me like I was insane. Faith looked at me too, and looked as though she was gonna cry. “I know I look stupid... I'm sorry. Maybe you should just leave...” She said. I pushed my way to get to her. Hugging her I whispered in her ear.

“I wasn't laughing because you look stupid, which you don't. I was laughing because I was just thinking how amazing you'd look in one of my hoodies.” She squeezed me tighter, and laughed. Out of nowhere she kissed me on the cheek. Causing my face to turn a dark red. She looked at the floor, then looked back up at me.

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