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Faith's POV

I saw no other, than the one and only- Rosa Montgomery. She smiles at me, and sees who I'm with. Walking up to the table she looks around the table, “Never thought I'd see the day, when Faith was on a date. Especially not with people like you.”

“What's that supposed to mean?” Niall said, looking up at her from his seated position.

She clears her throat, “Well what's a loser like her doing with One Direction? Oh and who's this ugly beast, probably her sister. Ugly goes on for generations.”

I've had enough, so I did the unexpected. I stood up, and shook hands with her. “It was great seeing you, now if you'd leave us to our date.” I give her a big grin, which sets her off.


Everyone's eyes went to her, and towards our table. A waiter came up to her, “You're gonna have to quiet down, or you're gonna have to leave.” He told her.

I just grin, mocking her. “Ahhhggghhh!!” She yells, and grunts at the same time. She runs out the front doors, and disappears.

“I'm glad you took up for yourself.” Niall spoke.

“Me too, I'm tired of getting stepped on.”

“Do you want to go?” Matilyn asked as she finished the last of her wine.

Looking in front of me, I nodded my head, and all four of us got up to leave. Everything went passed in a blur, and it finally stood still when we got back to the flat. Opening the door, with my special card, I see Harry sitting on the couch with a girl. She had long dark brown hair, deep green eyes. I gave Harry a questioning look, he stood up, and I could see their hands connected. I screamed, and ran and hugged the girl.

She looked a bit scared, but she can get over it. I'm so glad Harry has a girlfriend!!

The girl smiled, and hugged me back after about a minute and we pulled away laughing. “This is Caitlyn, I wanted to introduce you sooner, but I wanted it to be perfect.” Harry said, looking down at the gorgeous girl and smiling. His eyes twinkled, both of their faces lit up just looking at each other.

“How long have you been dating!?” I ask then squeal with excitement.

“A couple months.” Harry said.

I punched him in the arm, “You jerk. You didn't tell me.”

He faked a whine and rubbed his arm. Caitlyn laughed, then kissed his “hurt” area.

“So how was the date?” Caitlyn asked.

“It was perfect...” I said staring off into space. She laughed, pulling me back to Earth.

“That's good, your dress it beautiful.” She said, looking down at the aqua dress I was wearing.

“This old thing? Haha, I love your skinny jeans I'd die to be wearing them, or sweats.” I chuckled. “Actually I'm gonna do that now. It was nice meeting you.” I say as I start walking down the hall.

“You, too!!” I heard Caitlyn shout from behind me. She seems like an amazing person, hopefully we have a chance to get closer.

I get to my room, and kick off my shoes. What a relief, they've been digging into the back of my foot since I put them on. Then my dress... I put my arms behind me, then up, but my hands couldn't reach the zipper. So I tried putting my arms up, then down my back, but the zipper was still too far away. Crapcacks.

Walking towards the door, I crack it just a little bit, and shout Niall's name, more like whine it. He comes jogging down the hallway, “What's wrong? Are you alright?”

I'm glad he cares about me, and I chuckle from his cute concern. I open it more, and look down at my dress. “I can't get the zipper, would you help me?”

“Of course.” Niall walks into he room, and closes the door after I'm in. He stood behind me, and held up my hair, I grabbed it from his hands, and felt as he slowly undid my zipper. I turn around, holding the dress into place.

“Thank you.” I said, facing him. I looked at his lips, then noticed how wet they looked. I wanted them so bad, so I made the first move and went diving for his lips. I crashed mine into his, and wrapped my arms around his neck. My breasts were the only things getting my dress up, but it still started to fall. Niall brought his hands to my face, and kissed me back. His tongue pressed against my lips, waiting for access to my mouth. But I didn't let them in, I wanted to tease him. He pulled away.

“Are you okay, love?”

I smiled, and pressed my lips back into mine, and stuck my tongue into his mouth. Our tongues wrestled with each other, and suddenly, I was on my back on the bed. We didn't break apart, until we felt like we were dying from low oxygen levels. Pulling away, we gasped for air. After less than thirty second our tongues continued the third round of boxing. We flipped over, so now I was I control.

We were like this for awhile, until I went to pull Niall's shirt up. But instead he grabbed onto my wrists, and sat up. “We can't do this. Not here, not now.”

“Why not, did I do something wrong?” I felt like I was gonna bawl. What did I do wrong?

“It's not you.” He assured me. “I don't want to take advantage of you-”

“You wouldn't be! I want this...”

“I know, and so do I.”

“Then why can't we??” I asked.

“Let's wait. I just, I just want it to be perfect. For you, I want it to be perfect.” He grabbed my face, and kissed me on the lips. No tongue, yet it was still perfect.

“Okay, how about we wait 'til marriage?” I suggested.

“You know, I was gonna say that, but I didn't want you to freak out over the word marriage.” He said, and chuckled. “I have to tell you something.”

Please let it be three words. Please let it be three words. I crossed my fingers.

I looked up at him, pleading with my eyes for him to hurry and say it. “I-” The door flung open, and Harry had a very worried look on his face. “What's wrong?” I asked scared.

“Your-” He spoke then I heard shouts from the living-room. Joe?

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