Chapter 8

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Asher's shout resonates in my ears as I come to a stand next to Gerard, stunned when I am tackled back down into the grass of the beautiful field.

"Wha-a," I almost cry as I hug Asher, lost for words and unable to make an intelligent sentence.

"Shhh," Asher quiets me, placing a hand over my mouth. "I'm here, I don't know where we are, but they," he tosses a hand in Gerard's direction where Ray, Frank, and Mikey had gathered with him, "brought me here earlier."

I stare blankly up at Asher, then cast a glance of gratitude at Gerard, thanking him silently. He grins a little, but it only lasts for a spit second before it turns into a distracted frown accompanied by a blank stare in my general direction. His face reddens a little before he smiles again, more sure and happy as his gaze clears and brightens. It takes me a few moments to realize that Gerard is dispirited, somberly walking away from the group of guys, his bright red hair flowing in the breeze.

I look back up at Asher and give him a small smile encouragingly, "how about we all go inside and check out the house, or, you know, at least let me check it out since you've been here already."

Everyone nods and me, Asher, Ray, Frank, and Mikey walk towards the house, lightly commenting the scenery on the way. I look around one last time to see I can find Gerard, my eyes falling on a shadowy figure hunched at the bottom of a magnificent tree across the field. I drop behind the group and rush into the nearest bunch of thick grass to avoid any questions, slowly beginning to make my way to Gerard.

I creep towards the ginormous tree, bending my neck back to look up at the towering branches above my head, sunlight filtering through and onto the grass and onto me. My electric blue hair illuminates and I begin to wonder about a new color, maybe a black or brown? As I approach Gerard, I notice him staring off into the distance behind me, unaware that I am nearly ten feet in front of him. Laying at his side is a bottle of vodka and a pack of cigarettes.

Gerard doesn't even blink when I settle down next to him, leaning my head on his shoulder. I lean across him to grab the bottle and down half of it, letting the liquid burn my throat with no regrets. He flicks his cigarette on the ground after a few long puffs, blowing the smoke out in front of him, billowing like a cloud until it disappears. It's then that he finally seems to notice me sitting next to him and he bows his head, looking at the space between his feet where grass flows freely.

"What's up, you okay?" I ask timidly as Gerard shakes violently and doesn't stop.

"I-I can't tell you. I w-won't be-e here t-to. . ." he stutters the words, whipping around and sitting on my legs, pinning them there as he clutches my arms tightly with scared, hazel eyes.

"Gerard, what's wrong? You need to calm yourself so you can talk to me," I shout in his face, hoping to shake the fearful, glazed gaze from his eyes.

"N-no I can't-t, Skye I. . ." I fling my arms free from his strengthened grasp to wrap them tightly around him, confining his unsound frame.

He struggles against me, trying to free himself from my iron grip. I hold on tighter, unwilling to let go of the red haired disaster in my arms. It seems as if forever goes by until his seizure-like shaking subsides, leaving him weak and limp in my lap. Seeming to be asleep, I shift Gerard into a more comfortable position, never letting go of him. Minutes later, he begins to shake again but this time it is much gentler, as if he were a small cat purring in rhythm. It takes a second before I realize that he is crying, his sobs becoming more and more audible with each breath.

"Gerard, hey, can you tell me what's wrong?" I ask, afraid to hear what would make the man I look up to so upset.

He just pushes his head into my shoulder and continues sobbing, shaking my whole body and leaving a tearstain on his parade jacket that I still wear. Instead of staying there, I slowly pull myself and Gerard to our feet and begin walking to the house. The field grass trips him and he stumbles into my side, almost tossing me into the grass for the third time today.

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