Ch1: A Blessing

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Emi's POV

"You are talented Emi. Your smart, fast and precise. I picked the right name for you, you truly are a blessing. I love you sweet heart, never forget."
That was the last thing I could remember my mother telling me. That I was a blessing. My steel greyish blue eyes were glued to the heart shaped locket in my hand. It used to belong to my mother before she passed away. I was very young when it happened. My brother and I had to fend for ourselves in the underground as our father did not care for us, he had joined the military police and abandoned us so he could suck up to the King. We looked out for each other and Levi taught me how to fight from a young age and trained me to use 3DMG. We became thugs, it was the only way for us to survive. We met some friends as well, although they were much older than me. Farlen was the first and he was like a second brother to me. He was very protective of me, much like Levi, even though he knew I could fend for myself. Isabel came after and even though she was much older than me, I felt the need to look after her as she would often get into trouble. I always dreamed of going above though, just once. I wanted to see the small burning suns that only came out when the sky was at its darkest and I wanted to see the vast patch of water know as the ocean. My life was once again changed when my brother was taken from me.

~~~~~~~5 years ago ~~~~~~~
(A/N: in this story, I'm making Levi younger than 30 ok? He is 23 in modern day and Emi is 14 in modern day, so right now they're 18 and 9. You may continue :3)

We were gliding around the streets of the underground when a cloaked figure blocked my path. Dodging it, I saw a glimpse of the symbol he wore. They were not military police but rather the survey corps. Looking at Levi, we understood each other and warned Isabel and Farlen. Levi and I went one way and Farlen and Isabel went the other, hoping to get the scouts of our backs. Unexpectedly, I was suddenly pushed into a house and I heard Levi blocking it from the other side. "Levi, What are you doing?! Let me out?!" I growled through the door, but he just stayed calm. "I'm not going to let them take you. Remember, no matter where I am, no matter how long we're apart, look at your ring and know that I'll always be with you. I love you, my special brat, remember that." It was rare but I could here his stoic voice waver as he finished. Knowing what he was going to do, I had to say something, "Stay strong and don't die ok? Don't forget me, I love you too, Rivaille." I heard him get up and leave and I felt my heart break even more than before but I didn't let my feelings show through my emotionless mask. I waited for what felt like an hour until I attempted to break down the door. I speed through the streets in search of them, I need to know they escaped. I searched until I saw a silver glint on the ground. It was Levi's knife. I took it and swore to take care of it. "I'll meet you again one day brother, I promise."

~~~~~~~ Present Day ~~~~~~~

I looked at the knife I was cleaning. Cleaning made me feel relaxed and it let me think. I may over do it but dirt irritates me more than the merchants down here. I looked at the ring on my slender finger. Levi had stolen it for me, they were identical to each other, a silver band and a blue jewel in the centre. We swore to each other we'd never take them off so we'd never forget each other if we were separated. I wonder what he is doing now. I knew he was humanity's strongest because I stole a newspaper. I continued my bandit ways as there was no one left to help me. I was on my own for the past 5 years of my life but I survived, that's what matters, although there is a massive difference between surviving and living. There were some kids around the area. They were all brats but one or two of them weren't entirely on my shit list. I would often give the few my share of goods as they didn't know how to do it as well as me but in fairness, I did have 3DMG.

I put on my gear and walked to the door with my long, Raven hair flowing behind me. I sped through the streets of the underground in search of my next victim. Out of nowhere, green hooded figures surrounded me. Seeing the Survey Corps badge, I speed out of there like a bullet. My agile abilities have never failed me before, I soared through vents and sped past building after building but my efforts weren't enough. Some one landed on top of me so I couldn't get away. I took out Levi's knife and was about to strike the man before a blonde man with large eyebrows blocked me. I fought him for a decent amount of time before I was eventually disarmed and held down. Eyebrows walked up to me and bent down to where I kneeled. "What is your name?" He asked. In reply, I spat in his face. My face was forced into a muddy puddle as punishment and honestly, the dirt made me more pissed than the thought of being caught.

"My name is Erwin Smith, I am the commander of the Survey Corps. You are very skilled with that equipment, who taught you?" I stayed silent, I wasn't going to rat out Levi. He frowned at me, becoming inpatient, "Your skills are needed, we want you to join the 104th trainees squad." I looked up at him in disgust. "And what if I refuse?" I questioned aggressively. My eyes widened a fraction of an millimetre as two soldiers walked around the corner, holding two of the brats I helped with knifes to their throats. "You are wanted by the military police but we know you don't care for yourself as much but you have helped these children by stealing and that makes them criminals for accepting. They will be thrown into the dungeons as well and will not be treated very well if you don't cooperate. It's your call." He said and the look in his eyes told me he was enjoying it. "Fine. I'll join. But leave the brats out of this." I agreed in my monotone voice. They released me but he asked for my name once more. I grunted, "Emi." He smiled and said, "Welcome Emi. Come, we must go back to the surface." I picked up Levi's knife. I'll need to clean it, it's filthy. They surrounded me so I couldn't run away and we left for the surface.

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