Chapter Four

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Nico ended the Iris Message, and I ran my fingers through my hair multiple times. Nico placed his hand on my shoulder, trying to relax me. His attempts failed miserably, and when he finally realized this, he dropped his hand from my shoulder.

Nico sighed, walking over to the bed that sat in the center of my bedroom. He took a seat, and leaned against the headboard. I was only half aware that Nico was pulling out his phone and calling someone.

"Hello?" He asked.

There was a very long pause, before Nico paused and waited for the caller on the other line to finish speaking.

"He's okay, but is there any chance that you can come and charmspeak him into calming down. He won't stop freaking out." I heard him respond.

I still wasn't processing what he had said, and I guess I didn't care.

The doorbell rang, and Piper called through the door. Nico got up to answer the door, while I let my feet anxiously carry me wherever they wanted to go. I didn't register the charmspeak that suddenly hit me at full force.

"Percy, relax.." Piper coaxed.

The anxiety floated right out of me. I stopped pacing, and gave them a lopsided grin. Nico smiled, rolling his eyes in a playful manner. Piper looked at Nico, and I saw them have a silent conversation.

"Percy, go to sleep."

The tiredness that I had pushed down overcame me, and I walked right over to my bed, and laid down beside Nico. I curled into a tight ball, and fell back into dreamland.

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