The Juice Bar is Closed

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My Young Travellers!
It seems you have reached the end, the juice bar is now closing. I hope during your stay your ideas have been sparked and you have taken plenty of swigs of these juices.

But Not to fear!

Just because this juice bar is closed, and we will always have these juices does not mean that opportunity comes to a miss.

Just around the corner, if you go back to maplefoot's profile, there is a new place in town. It might not be a juice place, but I hear this place sells tea. CreativiTEA. The place you are looking for is called Tea Time. So my young friends, go find a book called 'Tea Time' for your next shop for dialouge writing prompts, and little facts to add detail to your stories to spark something amazing in you.

I implore it's as good as this Juice Bar. And don't hesitate to come back here anyway and order some juices off the menu.

Don't forget to vote for the juices, and maybe even comment in admiring their flavour.


I'm super happy to how popular this book has become. Up to 30,000 reads currently, and it hit 5,000 votes. Holy Moly! Thank you. So do go check out Tea Time! My new book so i can keep entertianing you all with these tributes of writing prompts.

As for where these prompts have come from, I found some on Pinterest and Tumblr, as well as prompts being made up by myself and some of my friends. (Not the facts, they are all true though.)

Thank you for supporting this book, thank you for all the votes, and all the comments, this book feels so loved for it, and i know it's popularity is not over yet, because more travlers will find this book and comment and vote, and I'm just heaps excited to read the comments. So go check out Tea Time. And tell me what you think!

Love, Maplefoot.

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