Trapped here in the abyss of fear

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Each lie she told was true,
It was just depending on the who.

If it was a lie to you it wasn't meant for you, so it was never meant to be true.

Unless you change reality and seek out prosperity, till the planets and stars obey your demands.

They will not like it, you will not neither you just won't know it till it's to late for either.

The sun will come crashing to stop you from mashing, dream and reality together by force.

They will band together to stop you from breaking, and force you to watch as they destroy all your making.

Tear will drip, blood with stain the empty walls in which you will be contained.

You have no choice, they make you hoist your legs above the wall.

You will not fall before you are pushed, into the paradox that cannot be fixed.

It calls you by name, for you are its creator and now you will live with the shame.

This isn't how it was meant to be, but this is how it will always be.

Because of your selfish ways you trusted time yet soon you will die.

It always lies especially with numbers on its side.

Numbers never lie or, so you've been told they can when they try and that's most of the time.

Facts are never true before they are proven, unless you are fooled into believing every human.

This is your sentence, that was your crime maybe one day the sun will shine.

Maybe one day time will pass,and allow you to count just as fast.

But until then you are here, in the dark abyss of fear.

Lost in your thoughts, lost in your mind.

You have lost your mind.

You have lost all sense of time.

And you have lost your pride.

Read between the lines to find the truth amongst the lies, but don't expect to ever escape the ties.

You will try, you will die.

Ultimately you have failed, and were never meant to succeed.

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