Chapter one

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I awoke in a haze. The faint patter of hushed steps were brought to my attention as I laid there wide eyed. A door creaked then all grew quiet. My feet quickly found their way from the comfort of my warm bed onto the cold, hardwood flooring.  

Locating the door with great difficulty, I carefully made my way through the darkness that consumed my rather large bedroom. The shiny knob allowed a tiny amount of light to refract, that being the only sign of a door standing in front of me.  

My intentions were clear as I turned the handle. Checking on my younger sister, whose room was diagonal to mine, had become routine. Like most children, she was prone to the occasional night terror which had been occurring more frequently the past few weeks.

I inhaled a deep breath as I stepped out into the empty hallway. I inched towards her room. The familiar creak could be heard as I made my way in. 

"Lucy," I spoke, "are you okay?"  

Her little index finger rested at her frail lips.

"Be quiet," she shakily replied.  

A look of fear was obvious in her dark brown eyes, giving me a sense of worry and wonder.  

Curious I asked,"What's wrong?" 

As her mouth opened to speak, screams suddenly echoed throughout the entire house. Immediately I knew who owned these horrid yelps! 

Lucy grabbed her ears in a panic as if that could block out the intense wails from below. As my heart began to race, I frantically headed downstairs.  

Halfway there, the house grew silent once again. This only caused my speed to increase. I reached her room seconds later. The door crashed into the wall very loudly. My head was spinning as I looked in all directions turning on lights.  

"Mom," I yelled in high hopes. "Mom, where are you??"

With no answer I advanced towards her bathroom. My foot stepped in something odd. Looking down, I thought I was going to be sick. The floor speckled in blood, lead me straight to her.

My stomach ached, not being able to hold it in as I found her in a pool of her own blood. After relieving myself in the trash can sitting nearby, I dropped to her side.

"LUCY CALL 911! AND STAY IN THE OTHER ROOM," I yelled not even sure if she had heard me!

My mother was unconscious. I spoke in between sobs,"Mom wake up! Please wake up! You can't leave us!"  

The warm red gushed all over me. I raised the silk pajamas she wore, finding multiple stab wounds that exposed her insides.

"Who did this to you?" I cried.

My head laid on her chest in defeat as the life poured out of her body. I rose in surprise, mom's hand began stroking my hair. Tears welled in her blue orbs as she weakly smiled. Then she gasped for air, her body now limp.


I screamed in disbelief as her now lifeless corpse laid in my arms. Drenched in blood, I held her for what felt like hours. I rocked back and forth crying uncontrollably as I made out sirens in the distance.

No one could fill the hole that now found a place in my heart....or so I thought.

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