Chapter two

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This chapter isn't the most exciting. But chapter three gets very interesting. I hope you like, please comment and let me know what you think! Share and vote too:)xx

P.s. i read over it, and I'm sorry for any errors that I might have over looked!



I walked outside, taking a seat on the concrete stairs facing the forest behind my house. Cops were running mad all around. I was still in shock as a steady stream of tears constantly flowed down the pink of my cheeks.

I stared down at my lap with a million things on my mind. My heart ached. What would happen to Lucy and I?Thinking about this, I noticed I hadn't seen her in a while.

Standing up my knees buckled. I was mentally and physically drained of any energy I had possessed but sitting back down was not an option.

Looking around, there was no sign of my sister. To avoid going back into the house, I decided to see if she had went to her favorite hide away.

I entered the woods. Today it seemed rather creepy. The fog made it a little more difficult to walk through all the brush. I had walked this path with Lucy time and time again but this time was different. I was alone and oddly scared. Nothing used to scare me.

As I approached the spot, an old shed like structure, I proceeded to go in. The door always stuck, today maybe even more but I managed to get in. Lucy looked startled by all the commotion but welcomed me with a forced smile.

"Hi Lu," I said very lightly. My eyes burned, wanting to cry again but I remained calm trying to be strong for her. I didn't really know how to approach Lucy now.

She turned back to her original position, knees tucked to her chest held in place by the grasp of her arms. Lucy continued staring out into space, as she took a moment to speak.

"Aubrey, why did this happen?" I cringed at her words, trying to form an answer.

"I-I don't know," I admitted.

Lucy sniffled, wiping her nose on her sleeve. She looked back at me as I sat in the chair close by her.

"What's going to happen to us," she busted into tears.

I began to cry too as I took her into my arms.

"We are going to make it through this," I said not even believing my own words. "I will always be here."

She looked at me intently, "Promise?"


We sat their for a couple of minutes gaining self composure.

"We should head back to the house, I heard one of the police officers saying they needed to speak with us."

"But.." I interrupted her.

"No buts, we need to head back."

"Fine," she said then we began our short journey back to our home which didn't really feel like home anymore.


The next morning

"When you woke up what happened?"

The investigator questioned. Her facial expression was stern, it felt as if she was staring into my soul.

"Well," I took a breath,"I heard my sister walking down the hall. She has nightmares alot so I went to check on her." I paused, swallowing the lump in my throat.

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