Chapter three

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Hi guys! I'm very excited about this chapter. I feel like it's very intense. Anyways I hope you enjoy! Sorry it's long but I had alot I wanted to get in!:) xx



I stared at my reflection in the mirror. Swollen eyes, a red nose on a very puffy face. Not really a site you wanted to see. Everyday I managed to get worse. And I think it was then, that I started to feel lost.

My pale white skin was emphasized by the black lace dress I was wearing. Long blonde curls outlined my face just the way my mother liked it. I had put water proof mascara on, and red lip stick. I didn't even attempt to wear eyeliner. My makeup today had been applied heavily. But you can only hide so much.

I'm not real sure why I made myself up. I was an emotional wreck, and had been for days. But I guess I thought trying to seem as if I were mentally stable would make her proud in some way.

"Aubrey," Cody stood at my door.

I turned to look at him.

He continued,"It's time."

I nodded taking in a deep breath then releasing. I looked at myself one more time, then finally got the courage to walk downstairs.

I called out, making sure no one was inside the house. I walked out slowly, hearing the door lock behind me. The wind blew, sending my curls flying. I held them down rushing to get into the car. I noticed Lucy and Cody's gaze on me, so I kept my head down.

"Lets go," I said avoiding eye contact.

He put the key in ignition. The ride there was awkward. I watched the trees pass by as we sat in complete silence. We pulled up to our destination and my stomach became unsteady. Cody grabbed my hand in a friendly matter, to give me some support. His free hand wrapped around Lucy's shoulders. As she already began to cry, I held it in.


"Will you give me a second? Just watch Lucy please."

"Okay. I will," Cody said going over to my sister who softly cried in the corner.

There wasn't a crowd yet so I walked up there alone. I needed to do it by myself. I clinched my teeth and shut my eyes as I inched closer.

My trembling hands touched the cold surfaces of the casket. I looked down seeing my mother. It all became too much, tears fell from my eyes blurring my vision.

"I'm so sorry. I promised I wouldn't do this," I choked out. "I'm trying to be strong. For Lucy, but I'm dying inside."

My hand reached out touching hers. I felt her cold skin giving me chills. It finally hit me. My mother was dead.

"I miss you," I sobbed. "I can't live without you! It hurts too much."

I fell to my knees, balling my eyes out. My hands covered my face. I stayed like that frozen until I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked up seeing Cody. His arm stretched out offering assistance. I accepted as I stood up, but i collapsed into his arms. He held me close as I cried into the nape of his neck.

"Cody," I weakly said,"please get me out of here."


*the next day*

Cody was my only friend and Lucy was my only family as I sat in a sea of strangers. They all had sweet stories of how they knew my mother. She was such a great person, much greater than I would ever be.

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