Puppies First Bath

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"Come on..." Phil dragged the leash a little harsher than he intended. Dan growled, trying to run away. Dan was a dog but in one way very Cat like. He refused to take baths (while in his pet headspace). Phil on the other hand was getting annoyed. Dan has promised him he would take his bath at six if he let him continue his game but as usual it being seven, Dan lied. The master out of the two boys really hated putting his hands on Dan but as Dan pet breed, he was big and out of control. "Puppy lets go!" Phil raised a hand, not bringing it down to tease the boy. Dan immediately stopped, knowing Phil would do it. He barked happily, jumping up on his 'hind legs' and putting his paws on Phil's chest. "Such a good boy!" Phil cooed, gently petting his pet. He left a small kiss on the top of Dans head. "I love you, puppy." Dan barked four times in response, meaning 'I love you master'. They both understood their code words since dogs don't talk unless it was to say the safe word. Phil filled up the bath and attached Dan's leash to the faucet, tying it pretty tight. The younger boy whined, trying to pull away. Phil smiled, taking off everything of Dan's, setting his lock and collar on the side. As usual the brunette snapped out of his vicious dog mode and went into his curious playful puppy one when Phil filled the bath with bubbles, he jumped in splashing the raven haired boy. Phil knew he'd punish him later for that. Puppy pawed at all the bubbles, trying to pop them but frowning when they disappeared into the water before he got them. Dan looked up at Phil with big pleading eyes, he giggled and gently picked up a bubble, handing it to his pup. "Ten minute limit, boy." Phil smiled, leaving Dan to do whatever he wanted for ten minutes which was probably a bad idea but then again role play aside Dan was a twenty-four year old man that can take care of himself but Phil didn't want him to and either did the sub. Phil came back to a surprise, there was no water on the floor, no bubbles everywhere, no body wash or any hair bottles on the floor, instead Dan was still in the bathtub pawing at the same bubbles, seeming glued to it. Even though it broke Phil's heart to rip the boy away from his happiness he had to, he didn't want Dan to get sick or eat a bubble, who knows what he would do like this. He was only a three month old puppy, anything could. Phil picked him up, wrapping him into a towel sweetly. He kissed his cheek, Dan barley being able to keep his eyes opened. Phil put him to bed, deciding to let the punishment go. "I love you, furry boy." He smiled, getting into bed with his boyfriend.

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