Bad dogs still get love

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Dan hasn't been the most obedient lately, he used to listen to Phil's orders left and right but after every command he just stares at him, like he just told him to kill somebody.
Finally after a week of the constant bad behavior Phil decided to train him, all over again. He treated the younger boy like the dog he was. Phil put his fingers under the collar his 'new' puppy was wearing and dragged him on the floor from the couch, knocking his phone out of his hand in the process. "Sit." He commanded, using his dominate tone. Dan had a slight smirk on his face as he got up on his knees, just wanting to get a rise out of his master. Phil squeezed his hands into fists, having enough. He went to their chest of toys in front of Phil's bed and pulled out a few things he'd be needing.
Dan knew he was in trouble so he sat, hoping it would save his ass a little. His boyfriend came out holding things behind his back. "Turn." Phil said calmly at the visibly shaking boy, Dan surprising did as he was told, putting his paws up on the couch. Phil smiled, securing four leather paws onto Dan's hands and feet, the puppy immediately got onto all fours, trying to get used to the feeling. Phil clipped a muzzle onto him as well as his ears. "This may hurt.." He gently patted his back as he lubed up the tail plug, being extra careful since Dan hadn't had anything in him for the past week.
Phil took his time with the younger man as he fingered him open, not wanting him to be in any sort of pain for now. He slowly pushed in the plug, petting his furry tail once it was in just to thrust it inside the boy a little. When Dan let out a muffled moan Phil stopped and raised his hand, bringing it down on him harshly exactly twenty times. "Are you going to listen to me?" He rubbed over the red area on his puppy's ass. Dan nodded fast, shaking slightly worse now but for a different reason. "I'm sorry." He tried not to cry, wanting to be a good dog for him. "You're forgiven." Phil pulled back and looked over his body. "Up puppy!" Dan got on his knees, putting his paws on Phil's chest. "Repeat your rules to me." He looked at the boy sternly. "Or I'll have to train you again." He warned. Dan shook his head and kept his eyes on his master as he told him his rules. "Puppy can not be on furniture unless he's good, Puppy has to call you master, Puppy is not allowed to play in the yard after Ten Pm, Puppy isn't allowed to bark loud enough for neighbors to hear, Puppy's body is yours and only yours, Puppy isn't allowed to touch himself without permission/come without permission and puppy is just as good as master, I shouldn't be afraid to ask questions or speak during sex." He smiled up at his Dom when he was done. "I didn't act out to get you mad, I acted out because I wanted your attention and you kept working in the office." Phil pulled Dan in for a hug. "You're always welcome to sit on my lap and get pets while I edit." Dan held his boyfriend close to him, slipping out of his head space slightly. "I will."

My puppy (A Phan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now