Everything Will Be Okay

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"Carrie, get down here!" My sister yelled.

"Coming." I said, but not so she could hear.

I flung my heavy backpack over my shoulder and grabbed my suit case. Then I raced downstairs as fast as I could.

"Its about time." Sarah said in a very sarcastic tone.

I rolled my eyes at her negative attitude. Then dad called for us both outside. We looked at each other and then at the door. My hands gripped my bags tightly as I tried to beat her to the car, Both of us sqeezed in the doorway and out to the car door.

"I'm getting in on this side!" We both demanded.

"You two stop, just get in. We need to get to the airport." Dad explained.

We both sighed and got in.

Once we got to the airport we rushed to make sure we didn't miss our flight. We shuffled past the giant crowds of people. It was so loud and smelled like feet, Not very enjoyable... We just made it before our plane was about to leave. Once I sat down I felt a huge weight off my shoulders. The plane ride was going to be about 5 hours. And I got stuck sitting by Sarah.. Fantastic. Most of the way she was quiet. She had her headphones on. But that didn't do much, I'm pretty sure everyone on the plane could hear it. Finally though, we landed. We hopped off and grabbed our bags.

Our hotel, that was a different story. It was beyond amazing. And I didn't have to share a room with Sarah. Oh, I forgot to mention we are in Florida. It was beautiful. A big change from the cold winter in Canada. Once I put down my stuff, I collapsed over on to the bed. The soft white blankets cuddled my body. I closed my eyes and let my body completely relax. But I was soon disturbed by my younger sister.

"Carrie! Lets go swimming!" Jennifer jumped on the bed.

After 5 minutes, she convinced me. I threw on a blue bikini that was covered in tropical flowers and a baggy gray tank top. The pool was beautiful. It was massive and sunbeds surrounded it. I lay our towels down and flop onto one of the chairs. Sarah ended up coming too, so she went in with Jen.

I closed my eyes once again. The sun felt calming as it hit my skin. I could lay here forever. The cool wind blew a fresh smell into my nose. But that changed to a heavy cologne. My eyes flutter open to find a tall dark haired boy standing in front of me. He was wearing only red swim trucks, showing that he had perfect abs. His hair gelled into a faux hawk. Eyes green like emeralds.

"Hi." His voice deep and hinted with shyness.

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