Chapter One: The Shadow Rises Again

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A/N: This chapter has been edited.

Chapter One: The Shadow Rises Again

A lone mirror stood in the middle of a forest filled with proud trees. The leaves on the trees were so thick that it allowed no natural light to seep through, leaving the forest below with a dead look. Nothing lived below the canopy of leaves, for without light, there is no life. The sounds of the animals, bugs and the wind were nonexistent, making this part of the forest lonely, no one would want to step in there. Everything was eerily still and a dark purple fog rested on the dead forest floor.

The mirror rippled, not unlike a lake when a pebble was thrown into it. The quiet woods were then disrupted by the sound of splashing and coughing, it almost sounded deafening. One would be confused by the splashing since there was no body of water in sight, unless you knew about the anomaly which was the mirror.

What was once a desolate, empty grove now had one inhabitant; a seventeen year old boy with purple hair and icy blue eyes that would pierce your soul. He was clothed in mostly black and the floppy hat he wore atop of his head seemed to turn into smoke at the end. The forest was now inhabited by a citizen of the Dark Realm. A shadow by the name of Shadow Link.

“Ah, Shadow Link. You have changed since the last time you were in the World of Light,” a menacing voice said, it appeared to have come out of nowhere. “But it makes sense. You are the shadow of a different Link now.” The voice paused. “I have something to ask of you, Shadow. You will not fail me this time. Your betrayal from many lifetimes ago has not been forgotten. If you act suspicious or untrustworthy in any way... I will not hesitate to destroy you. Is that understood?”

“Yes Lord Ganon.” Shadow Link bowed.

“Good. You must spread the darkness from the Dark Mirror and destroy Link in the process. I do not need him interfering with my plans again. Once darkness has spread, I will regain my powers and take my rightful place as king of this wretched land!” Ganon laughed. This time, his plan would succeed! What an amusing way to get rid of the infuriating brat. It would be humiliating to be destroyed by your own shadow. “You are dismissed, Shadow,” he spoke Shadow with distaste clear in his voice.

“Yes Lord Ganon.” The shadow stood up and grabbed the dark grey and purple sword that was resting in the dirt beside him. It was a darker version of the Master Sword most of the Shadow Beings called the Shadow Sword (They need to come up with better names for these things, Shadow Link thought). He sheathed the Shadow Sword on his back which also had a black and silver version of the real Link's shield, the Hylian Shield.

Bah! The real Link? They were both Link and equally real! Just because he wasn't noticed didn't mean he was fake at all! He would just have to show the world that there wasn't only one Link. The chain is going to show its final Link one more time, he thought, amused and slightly annoyed at how cheesy that sounded.

A swirling black and purple portal appeared, Shadow Link walked right into it, not caring where it would take him, just as long as there wasn't much light. But the portal knew that already. One could almost consider it as being sentient.


Link scrubbed Epona's mane gently. It had gotten so dirty and he didn't realize it until Ilia had pointed it out to him and threatened to take Epona away claiming he would hurt his beloved mare again. Ilia could be absolutely terrifying if she wanted to be.

The sun was high in the clear blue sky, not a cloud was in sight. The birds chirped softly and the leaves rustled in the light breeze. Epona shook her head, water droplets from her mane falling onto Link's dry clothing.

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