6: literally 0-100 real fuckin quick right here

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Regulus had known that there was something very obviously off for quite some time now. Of course, there had been a rift between his older brother, Sirius, and his parents for years now, and at this point, he'd come to conclude, that regardless of his own personal opinions, it was in his best interest not to say anything, but to agree with his parents if ever asked directly; he just didn't want to get into trouble with parents, and in truth, he really did admire Sirius for being strong enough to put up with his parents rather strong dislike of him as a person since he was sorted into Gryffindor, and still remain who he was, as Regulus was certain he could never reach such a point of confidence and bravery himself, and perhaps that was exactly why he sat at the Slytherin table for breakfast that morning, and indeed, every morning.

He was his parents' favourite child, but only by default; Sirius had been the oldest and the favoured one with no doubt right up until he went to Hogwarts, and as the absolutely horrific truth was confirmed in his parents' minds, all of their hopes and dreams for Sirius had been pulled aside and thrown over Regulus like a set of robes that were far too big for him, because in all honesty, Regulus was very sure of the fact that he didn't want to be like his parents, because as much as he wasn't like Sirius, in that he was much less confident, and preferred to think things through as opposed to just rushing into every bad idea with no regard for himself, he wasn't his parents either.

What he was, however, was a Slytherin, and that made all the difference in their eyes: the colour of his robes, and the purity of his blood, and it had always been a load of bullshit; this was a view that Regulus had managed to retain into his third year as a member of Slytherin house, and in fact, he reckoned that being a member of his house only strengthened it. It wasn't that he didn't like Slytherin, or didn't want to be in the house, because he did, he just didn't like certain Slytherins, and their certain beliefs. One of his least favourite Slytherins, in particular, was Severus Snape; he was far too mopey and never knew when to stop, and never seemed to leave Lily Evans from Gryffindor alone. And in truth, Regulus found that he didn't like James Potter much either.

James was simply one of those dickish Gryffindors - usually the ones from pureblood families sagain, who had the values of the pureblood Slytherins, yet in reverse: sporting an irrational hatred for Slytherin, and instantly declaring all Slytherins to be evil without any second thought. Regulus reckoned that Gryffindors like James Potter were just as bad as Slytherins like Severus Snape. He was also largely certain that Lily Evans, the subject of the two boys' affections, would eventually just go for a guy in Ravenclaw or something, and leave them both broken hearted - that'd serve them right.

Regulus knew, that despite being best friends with James Potter, Sirius didn't have the slightest notion of irrational hatred for him based on his house and the fact that he didn't quite have the guts to speak out against his parents. He knew that Sirius still saw him as his little brother, and always would do, and for that he was perhaps eternally thankful, because he found himself somewhat lost in a world of house based prejudices and expectations, and the fucking bullshit matters of blood status, and he was literally thirteen years old.

In Regulus' mind, Sirius had made a statement - he'd made an impact, simply in being sorted into Gryffindor, simply in the person he was, because it began to tear away at the expectations and reputations of the pureblood Slytherin families, and there was absolutely nothing the world could do as the rest of the pieces fell into place. Regulus was very certain that there was going to be change, by whatever means necessary, there would be change, and he wondered if maybe one day, in the Great Hall, they'd sit united at only one table. He did however remind himself that it'd have to be a big ass table to fit all of the students on, but they were literally at a magical school, so he was pretty sure Dumbledore could manage if the situation ever arose.

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