Chapter 2

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Hannah's POV-

The next morning me and Sirena were whining when my alarm went off because it was to early and we had to go to school As usual. But we stopped and got ready for school. I went to the bath room to take a quick shower. When I was done I got out and got dressed and put my contacts on. When I got out the bathroom Sirena was doing her makeup. So I joined her. I didn't put much on, just some foundation, mascara and eye liner. When we were both done we ran down stairs to be greeted to the lovey smell of my mother cooking pancakes.

"Morning girls!" My mother yelled from the kitchen

"Morning mom!" I yelled running into the kitchen

I hugged her and took the plate she was holding full of pancakes

"Morning Cynthia!" Sirena yelled jogging into the kitchen

I was always faster then her, but I like to run and she doesn't really like it.
We sat down and ate and talked to my mom about what we are thinking of doing after graduation.
When we were done we put our dirty dishes in the dish washer and got on our shoes and grabbed our bags and ran out the house.

"SHOT GUN!!!" Sirena yelled opening the passenger door

"No far!" I whined opening the back door

"Sorry boo boo, maybe next time" Sirena said flipping her long ombré
Once we got to school I said bye to my mom and told her to drop off my car before she goes out running, our school wasn't even that far from my house just down the street
I walked into the building, walking towards my locker.
Sirena following behind

When we both had our stuff we headed to homeroom
Sirena and I had all the same basic classes
When the last period ended I headed to homeroom and I met up with Sirena

We headed to our lockers grabbed our stuff and went out to my car

"OMG IM SOO HUNGRY!!!" Sirena yelled when we got to my house

"Fine where you wanna go girl?!" I laughed

"Taco Bell?" Sirena asked

"Sure!" I laughed again
We drove to Taco Bell and when we were on the way there Sirena scared the shit out of me!

"WTF WAS THAT FOR?! You know I can crash and kill you bitch!" I yelled and wondering why she screamed

"Guess who's in town?!" Sirena yelled going through Twitter on her phone

"Who can it possible be that made you scream?!" I wondered but then remembered

"Is it Hunter Rowland?" I said before she could respond to me

"YES!! But he won't tell any of his faners where he's going to be!" Sirena said in a sad voice

Sirena and I made up this word faners, fans+supporters= faners

"That's sad but why not?" I asked finding a parking spot

"I don't know but guess who's going to be with him?!" Sirena said turning to me

"Who?" I said wondering who it was that can possible be with Hunter that I care about

"MARIO, JACOB BRANDON AND YOU'RE FAVORITE WESTON!!!" She said almost breaking my ears
But I couldn't believe it! I've always had the biggest crush on Weston Koury. I was really excited that he was coming but I tried to stay cool

"OMG... Umm I mean cool..." Said trying to play it off that I wasn't about to scream at the top of my lungs because I was so excited

"Stop playing you're excited" Sirena said laughing

"Shut up! No I'm not!" I lied
We walked into Taco Bell and ordered
Once our orders were ready we found a table and Sirena went right into her food faster then I thought she would
I joined her and started eating

"So do you still have that little stupid crush on Weston Koury?" Sirena asked me after she finished eating

"No....." I said ignoring the question

"Stop acting cause I know you do!" Sirena said trying to not laugh

"Shut up" I said getting annoyed
When I finished, Sirena and I got up to throw away our trash

We got back into the car and drove back to my house
When we got there Sirena quickly got out the car and ran into my house faster then usual
Hunter was on.
I walked into the house to find Sirena on the couch with her laptop open
I heard Hunter giggling
When you have a best friend that's obsessed with something or someone you kind of start to know everything about that thing or person
That's how I knew it was Hunter's

"Oh god Sirena really can you stop drooling over the guy?!" I said trying not to laugh

"Oh shut up Han, you used to be like this with Weston!" Sirena said with a smirk on her face

"Key words USED TO BE! Anyways I'm over him" I said getting defensive

"Fine chill girl it was just a joke, but if you're going to get all defensive about him like that, then it must be true?!" Sirena said with wide eyes

"Are you on drugs right now?! Bitch no I'm over him! OVER HIM!!" I said trying to get it throw her head that I wasn't interested in Weston
But secretly I was.
Do you remember those little middle school crushes that never go away?
Yea that's me with Weston.
But I couldn't let Sirena know that. Yea she my best friend but then she wouldn't shut up about him or Hunter. So I keep it to myself.
Anyways it's just a crush what else can it turn into.
After Sirena bored me for half an hour talking about Hunter she finally stopped and asked if she could spend the night again. I said yes and she went to her house that was down the street to get some stuff.
After she came back, her and I were ready to knock out. So we brushed out teeth and again she started bothering me about Weston Koury.

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