Chapter 3 - "Disappointment" (a ramble)

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How simple it is to disappoint. How easy it is to forget, or avoid, or procrastinate and in turn let someone down. But really, is it any fault but their own?

You see, I don't make promises. Well, not in earnest. So when someone tells me I've disappointed them, I laugh.. "Why, it's your own fault: I never told you to get your hopes up!"

But with some people, I feel wholly responsible.

When someone you respect and value the opinion of tells you that you've disappointed them, your world crumbles before you.

This person believed in you. They nurtured you and aided you in your quest for completion. And how did you repay them?

With guilty, moronic eyes and a half laughed, "Yeah, I know. I should have tried harder."

In that moment you see yourself laid bare. You see your laziness, your tendency to put things off and your pitiful excuses.

And god, do you hate yourself.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2016 ⏰

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