Chapter 1

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Sorry! I'm not good at writing long chapters! I'm also sorry if it sucks! I'm new to writing (if it wasn't obvious enough). But, it would help if you commented opinions or if you have ideas of your own! I don't bite, I promise!


"What do we have here?"


Yoongi sat at the end of his queen sized bed, staring at the porcelain doll that was propped up against his pillow. As much as he hated to admit it, he thought the doll was beautiful. That could explain why the doll had ended up in his room, instead of being stuck up in the attic. When Yoongi had climbed down the latter, he had brought the doll to his room after he found his mother in the backyard, inspecting the wilting rose bushes and weed infested flower beds.

Lightly biting his lip, Yoongi moved closer to the doll, examining it even further, gently caressing the dolls cheek. Yoongi let his lip slip past his teeth, his head slightly cocked to one side, "What am I going to do with you?" He stared at the doll for a few more minutes before lifting himself off his bed and grabbing the doll, carefully setting it on his empty desk, making sure to not leave a scratch on the beauty.

Yoongi sighed, running a hand through his pale, mint hair. He turned away from the doll and began to unpack more of the boxes scattered in his room. He would have to figure out what to do with it after dinner.


Yoongi kissed his mothers cheek, saying a quick good night and thank you before rushing off to his new bedroom. Slamming the door shut, Yoongi plopped down on his bed, scattering the pillows and blankets in a state of disarray. Yoongi lied there for a moment, just simply staring at the ceiling, before the doll on his desk caught his attention. Shifting to his side, he rested his head on his arm, studying the doll on his desk across his room.

The doll, for a reason not known to him, drew his being in. His first, initial thought, was that it was just a doll, an ordinary porcelain doll. But, the look in the dolls eyes somehow spoke to him, trying to say more than words could tell. There were sparks of life in the dolls eyes, sparks he hasn't seen in a long while.

A soft sigh escaped Yoongi before he sat up and stood from his bed, beginning to pace back and forth in front of his desk. He couldn't decide what to do with the doll, what could he do with the doll? Setting it and leaving it on a shelf was always an option...

Yoongi faced the doll, his pace ceasing, and picked it up carefully. Walking across his room once more, he propped the doll on one of the built-in shelves, assembling it to sit up properly. After making sure the doll was placed the perfect way, he went back to his bed. He glanced at his alarm clock, 9:37 p.m.

Yoongi kicked off his slippers and stripped from his other clothes, save for his boxers, and snuggled under his covers. Sleep was long overdue after the never-ending car ride and continuous reassurance from his mother that everything would be perfect at their new home and that they wouldn't have any more misfortunes.

Well, Ms. Min, we will have to see about that.

With one final thought of the doll, Yoongi fell in a deep sleep, one he hadn't had since his father left.


A raucous crash and a soft "owww" sounded throughout the room, awakening the sleeping bea - Yoongi. Awakening the sleeping Yoongi.

Sitting upright, the quickest he's ever gotten up, Yoongi reached over to his bedside lamp and turned it on. In a crumpled pile on the floor, with books and a wooden board covering him, was an orange-haired male in a princely attire. Yoongi's mouth dropped open wide, fiercely rubbing his eyes, trying to draw the dream out.

As reality finally set in, Yoongi sprang to his feet, rushing to the boy and grabbing him by the collar. A glare set over his sleepy features, trying to intimidate the other male, "Who the hell are you? And how the hell did you get in my house?"

A nervous chuckle escaped the boys lips and he tried to loosen Yoongi's grip on his shirt, "Please excuse my rudeness, but that is very expensive silk you're gripping with your clammy hands. Please, let go."

Yoongi's grip slowly loosened, a bewildered expression taking over, "You didn't answer any of my questions. Answer them before I rip your precious silk to shreds."

The boy sighed before nodding his head, "Fine, I will answer your questions if you answer the few I have." Yoongi nodded in agreement. The boy cleared his throat before he began speaking, "My name is Park Jimin and I am the owner of this establishment. Or, well, I guess I used to be. Now, who are you and what year is it?"

Yoongi's eyebrows furrowed before he muttered out a response, "I'm Min Yoongi and I own this 'establishment' now. And it's 2016?" Yoongi couldn't help but question why this 'Park Jimin' was asking for the year, shouldn't he know?

Although he thought that was the case, he couldn't help but to watch as the boys eyes widen as big as saucers, a slight stutter in his words, "D-did you s-say 2-2016?" Jimin ran a hand through his orange hair, a look of disbelief still plastered on his face.

Yoongi's eyebrows remained furrowed, "Yeah? Why? Why's it such a big deal?"

Jimin's face paled, a look of forlorn taking its place, "The last time I was awake was 1977. The last time someone lived in this house was 1977. I have been asleep for 39 years."

A loud, boisterous laughter echoed through the room, Yoongi being the source, "You have got to be kidding me? You can't expect me to believe that bullshit. You look like you could be younger than me! What are you, 20?"

"Min Yoongi. I have been asleep for 39 years."

sorry this sucks so bad omfg.

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