Chapter 2

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A.N.// Photo creds to my amazing best friend Abigail_Thomas

"Min Yoongi. I have been asleep for 39 years."


Running a hand through his hair, Yoongi sat himself down on his bed, trying to wrap his head around this situation, "You're trying to tell me that you're 39 years old? You look like you could be 12."

A small pout formed on Jimin's lips before his facial features went back to their doll-like-blank-look, "Actually, last time I was concerned about age, I was only 20. But, what I was trying to say was that the last time I woke up was 39 years ago. I'm not completely sure when my situation happened, though.."

"What do you mean your 'situation'? What are you trying to insinuate? What..what are you?"

Jimin sat down on the floor, across from Yoongi, sitting Indian style, "Well, I am human, or I suppose I was. I'm a doll now, if it wasn't obvious enough before. I used to just simply be a doll of the ballet, but it's a more literal term now."

Yoongi didn't laugh at Jimin's attempt at a joke, "So how long have you been a....a doll?"

"I'm not completely sure. Time has become muddled in my head, you start to forget things after awhile. All I remember is the last time I was awake, but that's all I remember. Being awake."

Another sigh slipped past Yoongi's lips. He stood up, beginning to pace back and forth in front of his bed, "Well, what do you expect me to do?"

Jimin waved a hand, dismissing Yoongi's question, "I'll be a doll again when it nears 6 a.m. Then you won't have to worry about me until it reaches 11 p.m. Speaking of, it's already 2 a.m."

Yoongi's eyes opened in surprise, "WHAT?!" He glanced at the alarm clock sitting on his nightstand, and sure enough, it was 2 in the morning. Groaning, Yoongi ran a hand over his face, "So much for getting any sleep.."

"Oh, don't mind me. I might watch you, but I won't get into any of your things."

A frown graced Yoongi's lips, "Yeah, because that makes me feel so much better. Whatever. I have school to go to. First day and all."

Jimin's entire mood seemed to turn a whole whopping 180 degrees, his face brightening and an almost pleading tone to his voice, "Did you say school? Oh, please, Yoongi! Please let me go with you! Just take me in your backpack! I won't say anything, all I'll be able to do is see and listen! I can't move and scare people! I promise to be good, just please take me!"

Yoongi's frown deepened, "Why should I take you? I'd be made fun of if people saw you in my backpack. And what's so great about school?"

"Try being locked in a wardrobe for 39 years, and then see how you like it. It's terrifying."

A low huff sounded from Yoongi, "That doesn't sound half bad. But, fine, you can come along. Just this once, though." Excited squeals could be heard from Jimin, the said boy jumping around Yoongi's room. Yoongi almost regretted agreeing to the latter coming to school with him if he was going to act like that. "But no acting like a fool, Porky."

Jimin immediately stopped in his antics, slowly turning to face Yoongi who was only a few feet away, "Please refrain yourself from calling me that, Min Yoongi. I may be a doll, but I'm not afraid of a few cracks."

Holding up his hands in defense, Yoongi just simply nodded, "Okay, okay. Touchy subject. So, when do you turn back? I kind of already want to get rid of you. You're not only annoying, but you're also ruining my sleep schedule."

Jimin decided to ignore Yoongi's rude remarks and answered his question as professionally as he could, "6 a.m. But I told you that you can go to sleep, I won't be disruptive." Yoongi exhaled deeply, contemplating his options. Climbing into bed, only in a t-shirt and boxer briefs, Yoongi settled down for the night. "If you wake me up, you're dead. Understand?" Jimin's frantic nodding was the last thing Yoongi saw that night.

A.N. //

Something short to treat you guys.

Sorry for not updating much, it's the end of the school year so I'm even busier than normal! But I do promise to update more once school is over!

Like I normally say, if you have any opinions or thoughts you want to share, feel free to tell me!

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