Chapter 3

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I'll start updating faster when they stop being goals.

Oops. Was that too harsh?

Hope you enjoy (:


Sunlight pooled into the room, slowly rising up the bed as the sun rose, basking the two figures in the bright light. A groan soon filled the silent room, as arms stretched out and covered tightly closed eyes. As Yoongi rolled, facing the inside of the bed, his eyes finally opened to a squint, peering at the petite face that was staring back at  him. A low, short grunt escaped him as he sat up, rubbing the crust out of his tired eyes. He swung his legs over to the edge of the bed, somehow managing to lift his body out of bed, his limbs hanging loosely at his sides. Picking up the doll from the other side of the bed, he couldn't believe the doll thought he could join him, allowing his own self to lie in someone else's bed without permission. Yoongi just shook his head and placed the doll back down, not forgetting the promise he had made that night.

After changing into suitable clothes, and taking care of his personal hygiene, he made his way downstairs to check on his mother. She stood in the kitchen, watching the coffee machine intently as the coffee poured into her mug. A small, almost strangled sound left Yoongi, surprising even him, "Mom, are you okay? Is there something wrong with the coffee machine?"

His mom seemed startled, appearing to not have realized that Yoongi had entered the room. Her features morphed into something a little more relaxed as she let out a breathy laugh, "Goodness, Yoongi, you didn't have to scare your dear mother like that. But, no, just tired is all, it was certainly a long drive yesterday." All Yoongi could do was nod in understanding, grabbing an already buttered piece of toast his mother had set out for him. He kissed her cheek before heading back upstairs.

As he entered his room, he picked his backpack up from the floor and slung it onto his bed next to the doll. He was already contemplating on not even taking the doll and just leaving him home, but that would mean he was breaking his promise, and that, for some unknown reason to him, upset Yoongi. After a deep grunt and an angry hand through his hair, he placed the doll in his bag and zipped it up as tightly as he could. He most definitely did not want anyone seeing a sliver of the doll.

Yoongi slung the bag over his back and headed out of the room, down the stairs, and out the door, shouting a quick "goodbye" to his mom.

The walk to school didn't take long, maybe a good 10 minute walk. There was a bus system, but Yoongi wasn't fond of busses. In his opinion they smelt weird and were always obnoxiously loud. Well, that was the case whenever he boarded a bus, which was very rarely, if ever at all. As he was walking, though, he spotted a few places where he could gather inspiration for lyrics, for melodies, for some god damn peace and quiet. A small, quaint park, where there were old, rusted swings, and a gazebo smothered in vines and blossoms. There was also a back washed cafe on the corner of the street he passed, the cafe connected to a bookstore, and an antique shop connected to the bookstore.

Further on down the road, he stood before rusted bars of iron, red in color, and rough against his palms as he pushed the gate open.

This was his school?

The school looked to be an old mansion, old beyond its years. It stood stall, possibly two stories, along with an attic and basement, judging by the small, rectangular windows just above the mossy ground. There didn't seem to be anyone else roaming around outside, besides him.

I can't believe I have to attend a private school. What wrongs have I done in my past lives.

With a deep sigh, and with much reluctance, he stepped inside the establishment, first peeking in a head, before deciding the coast was clear, and beginning to gravitate towards the door that said 'office'. That sounded promising.

The secretary, a brunette, with a few stray grays, sickly thin, in a pastel pink sweater and shiny pearls, a beige pencil skirt, and black framed glasses pushed all the way up the bridge of her nose, didn't seem to acknowledge his presence, or just simply didn't care. Yoongi cleared his throat, gathering the secretaries attention, looking up at him with her eyes, not lifting her head. Her face was contorted in a small grimace, eyes unamused, "May I help you?"

Yoongi felt slightly uncomfortable, nervously shifting around and wrestling with his own fingers, "Ah, yes, you see, I'm a new student. I was hoping to receive my schedule and possibly a map?" It came out more as a question than he had originally intended. He mentally punched himself in the face.

The lady's grimace didn't seem to leave her face as she shuffled a few of the stacks of papers on her desk, "Name?"

Yoongi cleared his throat again, everything just seemed to be heading straight to that area, "Uh, Min Yoongi, ma'am." She searched through the papers once more before finding a thin piece of paper. She handed the paper to him, and only that paper. Yoongi's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "No map?"

The secretary rolled her eyes behind her black-framed glasses, "It's a small school, Mr. Min, I'm sure you'll find your way around." Yoongi pursed his lips, holding back a snarky comment, and tightly gripped the sheet of paper as he silently slipped out of the office. The halls were still quiet, desolate, void of students. With a deep sigh, Yoongi scanned over the sheet of paper, his schedule, and found his home room teachers name and room number. Glancing up, Yoongi searched for the closest classroom and its room number. Nope, not the right one.

Fucking perfect.

Yoongi made his way down the hall, scanning the doors and their numbers, before final reaching the right one. Three knocks to the door, and a shout of, "Come in", later, Yoongi found himself standing before his peers, all blank faced with boredom.

Yoongi felt a hand slip into his shoulder, then a firm pat, and then the removal of said hand, "Why don't you introduce yourself."

"Min Yoongi."

Silence. Nothing was spoken and no one was speaking.

The teacher clapped his hands, wringing them together, "Well..excellent. I'm Mr. Kang. I hope you settle well, Mr. Min."

A slight nod dismissed Yoongi to his seat. He bowed 90° before finding his seat, slinging his bag next to his desk. He pulled a face as he remembered the doll and made sure to be more careful next time. Yoongi's thoughts froze.

Next time?

No. There won't be a next time. This is it.


Ok so this is an extremely late update and I apologize!

I'm also sorry this isn't very long, I just felt like this would be a good place to stop until the next chapter.

Next chapter will for sure have yoonmin interaction.

Sorry for the wait!

If you have any criticism, constructive only please, remember that it's always welcome! Even if it's just to tell me to update or if you have an idea of what will happen.

I love reading your guys' comments (:

They actually kind of fuel me! I also want to thank you. Thank you for all of the support and love, it's really nice and new ((:


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