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Juliette's POV

After Jareth left all the statues in the garden seemed to have settled down, it was not often that they were visited by a man and a prince no less "Juliette who is he?" Alissa one of the many statues asked, her hands placed over my shoulders as she stared down the path Jareth took "it's no one Alissa" shrugging her hands off my shoulders the rest of the statues trailed behind me like small children. They have become infatuated with the prince, but who could blame them? he was handsome after all.

 "Oili, wasn't he handsome?" Alissa asked dreamily, her eyes glossing over with awe "yes he is, but he wouldn't even turn our way" Oili sighed sadly "I wonder what he was staring at?" Valda one of the other statues wondered  "oh I know what he was staring at" Oili snickered.

Ignoring they're bickering I began to revive the flowers all around the small garden, the place looked better than it had before, but I wasn't quite done with it yet "there..." I smiled. Feeling the crystal move inside the pocket I took it out, it was Jareth. He must be struggling with his subjects.

Watching it glow, an image of the castle became clear and at the very center of it stood Jareth looking down hopelessly at his servants, so I was right. Smirking like a Chesire cat I moved my hair to one side before whispering into the magical object "gather an audience listen to your people they need you" once I was done I put it back in my pocket, feeling as I was being watched I turned to face the group of statues who suddenly broke into a fit of giggles, what had gotten into them? Oh no... they thought me and Jareth, no.

"ladies don't get me started!" glaring back at the group of statues they settled down but the smirks on their faces wouldn't fade.

Gripping the walls vines I quickly lifted myself up and climbed up, I knew that if I did not leave in that moment they would begin to plot their matchmaking scheme "Juliette where are you going?" Oili asked once I climbed all the way up the wall "I need some fresh air" turning away I let my cape my flow behind me "Valda come on let her be!" Alissa scolded and with that all voices emanating from the stone garden faded.

"How can it be possible that a place so big can feel so small?" I asked myself, sitting on the stone wall I let out a breath "Juliette?" I heard someone call from the other side of the wall  "Hoggle?" I asked, smiling at the sight of him I peered down the wall "what on earth are you doing on the entrance of the Labyrinth?!" to say I was shocked was not the last thing of my mind "King Jareth" Hoggle stated as he killed yet another pixie "Jareth huh? what has he ordered you to do?" I asked angrily "must kill pixies to get back inside the labyrinth" he answered, "well then I guess you need this" throwing him the right equipment I quickly made way back to the stone garden.

"That bloody bastard!!!" I yelled angrily "enslaving my friends!!!" Pulling at the ends of my hair I notice a trail of fire behind my feet "wonderful..." I mumbled "Juliette are you ok?" Oili asked, "yes!!....yes I don't know maybe?" I rambled "ok tell me what happened" she insisted "Oili there are just some things we can't share with others" I stated before leaping out towards the willow tree.

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