Juliettes POV

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"Give me the child" Sarah spoke up once she had finished her last task "Sarah beware, I have been generous up until now but I can be cruel" Hearing Jareths voice made my heart flutter and slightly break "generous? What have you done that's generous?" The young teenager taunted the king "EVERYTHING!" The spat in anger "everything you wanted I have done, you asked the child to be taken I took him, you cowered before me I was frightening, I reordered time I have turned the hole world upside down!" He shouted circling Sarah like pray "and I have done it all for you, I'm exhausted of living up to your expectations of me" his voice sounded so vulnerable and broken that it almost made me want to make sprint towards him and comfort him.

"Isn't that generous?" He asked "through danger untold and hardships outnumbered I have fought my way here to the castle beyond the Goblin City" Reciting the dialogue Sarah walked at a confident yet steady pace "for my will is as strong as yours-" "STOP!" Jareth held his hand up "wait look Sarah look what I am offering you, your dreams" holding up the crystal Sarah ignored him "and my kingdom is great" she kept walking completely unaffected by Jareths pleas "I ask for so little, just let me rule you and you can have everything that you want" he held up the sphere "just fear me love me, do as I say and I will be your slave" he offered up as Sarah struggled to remember the next line.

"there will be no need for that" emerging from the shadows Jareths eyes were suddenly filled with hope and love "Toby!" She noticed the small child in my arms "I believe you were looking for him?" I asked as I handed him over "yes thank you!" She smiled and took the child from my arms "Juliette" he barely whispered "Jareth" I smiled widely "Juliette" running into his embrace he buried his face on the crook of my neck "my love" he whispered in my ear "yes?" I asked, holding my face in a adoring embrace he smashed his lips against mine in the most tender and loving way possible.


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