Sarah is a naive little girl

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Juliette's POV
Watching Sarah scramble to her feet made a grin spread upon my face "are you lost?" I asked, her face immediately paled at the sound of my voice "who's there?!?" She nearly shouted in fear "a friend deary, but that's hardly your concern is it?" Walking out of the shadows her face turned into a scowl "A cat?!" She asked anger lacing her words "got a problem with it?" I snapped back "never you know where we are?" Her eyes skimming across the stone walls "but of course we are in a oubliette" I answered "you do know what an oubliette is right?" Rolling her eyes she nodded her head "you don't even have the slightest idea do you?" Chuckling I approached the silly teenager "well an oubliette is a place where you put people to forget about them!" Jumping into the next rock Sarah backed away in fear "so you mean there is no way out?" She stammered "well there are a thousand ways out darling! You just need to pay the right price for them" sitting on my back paws I inspect Sarah's appearance.

How can Jareth believe that's me? Shrugging away the thought I noticed she began to fiddle either bracelet "will this do?" She asked as she took the small plastic band of her wrist "a plastic bracelet?!? You insult me" shouting back in outrage she looked down in fear.

" don't fret there is another way you can pay fact I'll take you to the end of the Labyrinth but in exchange of something much more valuable" I spoke, her face gleamed with hope as she kneeled down to my level "what is it that you want?" She questioned "simple actually.
The Ruby necklace hanging around Jarteh's neck is my one and only forum of payment" shaking her head she began to stammer "n-no that's impossible" she kept shaking.

"darling it's easier than you think" taking a step forward I sighed "a long time ago Jareth fell in love" I paused of a small moment as memories flooded my mind "the woman who used to own his heart also possessed the necklace that hangs around his neck" "what happened to her?" Sarah butted in "she was cursed and so in order to break such curse she must have the necklace back" I stared at her as she tried to come up with the right words "and he thinks I'm her?" Sarah asked in fear "yes and why he does is beyond me. But if you want to make it to the Goblin Castle you'll have to give me the necklace as soon as you get it otherwise......well things aren't ever going to be easy for you".

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