Dear Diary

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Dear Diary, 

          So, it's been a while. I just got out of school for the summer. Halfway to graduation. Just two more years till I'm off to college. I gotta admit that I'm kinda nervous for this summer. I'm going to my father's place in California for the summer. I honestly don't want to go. But, I have to. Me, my little brother, and my little sister. I know I should be happy, but, I'm not. I haven't talked to him since he left two years ago. I was 14 when he left. He left three months before I turned 15. My little brother, Ethan, was 10. Sarah, my little sister, was 5. I was old enough to hold a grudge. ANd you better believe I did. He didn't even say good-bye. He just up and left us all. Ethan and Sarah forgave him because he is our father but, I am not as forgiving as them. Mom thinks it will be good for me. So, I still have to go. Maybe it will be good for me. I mean, it's California. This might be fun. Well, I have to go pack so I'll talk to you a little bit later. 

                                                                                                                                                       ~Carter <3 

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