Rylan's Secret Cove

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The beach was empty when I got to the bottom of the stairs. I looked around for a second. I put my towel on the railing of my stairs. I turned towards the secluded cove I saw from my room. I wanted to go there. It looked so peaceful. I walked across the sand. I didn't put shoes on because I like the feeling of the sand under my feet. As I got closer I noticed how big the cove actually was. There was a passage in the rock. I walked through and smiled.

It was even prettier up close. I looked around. There were rocks everywhere. They were big. But, not so big that you couldn't get on them and sit. And that is exactly what I did. I walked over to one of the big rocks and climbed up. The rock I climbed up on was right next to another one that was even higher. I sat down and leaned back against the other rock. I plugged my earphones into my phone and turned on my music. I turned the volume up and leaned back. I looked out at the water. I watched as the waves rolled gently and then fell into the shore softly. The sunlight was dancing across the surface. I took my sweater off and sat it next to me. I opened the camera on my phone and took a picture. I opened my conversation with Morgan and sent her the picture. She texted back in seconds. Typical Morgan.

From: Morgs

Omg that is so pretty. I'm super jealous.


I know right. I wish you were here babes.

From: Morgs

Yeah me too. Come get me haha.

To: Morgs

I totally would but that's a really long drive that I am not ready to make again. Haha sorry babes.

From: Morgs

I know I miss you but I have to go Bye :*

To: Morgs

Okay bye miss you too :*

I went back to enjoying the view. And my music. I took out one of my earphones so that I could sing along to the song playing in my ear. I laid my head back against the rock I was currently leaning against and closed my eyes.

"Get out your guns, battles begun. Are you a saint or a sinner? If love's a fight, then I shall die, with my heart on a trigger. They say before you start a war, you better know what you're fighting for. Well baby, you are all that I adore. If love is what you need, a soldier I will be." I sang out loud to my favorite song at the moment (Angel With a Shotgun by The Cab). It is a really good song. I love the lyrics and the melody. It's just so beautiful.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know anyone was here. Actually I didn't know anyone else knew this was here." I heard a guys voice say. I jumped a little when I heard him start talking. I didn't even notice someone show up. I opened my eyes and sat up to look at who was talking to me. It was a cute boy. About my age maybe a year younger. His hair was brown, he was kinda tan and tall. From what I could see, he also had really pretty green eyes and a nice, totally adorable smile.

"Oh, uhm, yeah. My dad lives in that house right there," I pointed up to where my house was, " I'm staying there for the summer and I could see this place from my room. I wanted to come check it out. I'm sorry. I can go if you-"

"No, no, it's fine. You don't have to. I was just surprised. I see you found my favorite chair." He said with a slight laugh. He walked to the edge of the rock and climbed up the same way I had, only he did it a lot better than I did. Probably because he has been here before and was used to climbing up onto his favorite chair. He came and sat down next to me with his knees up and his arms resting on them. He looked over at me. "You have a great voice by the way. I'm Rylan."

"Thanks. I'm Carter." I said back with a polite smile.

"So, Carter, where are you from?" He asked while looking back at the water.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2016 ⏰

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