Lesson Nine

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First off, I would just want to thank you readers for the 200 reads. This book has really been supported by you and it's just the beginning! Lol, I almost forgot to post though! Oh, and if you feel like my lessons are too long or short or you like a certain amount of words comment here or private message me.
- The Author, Izzy.

John 2:15-17
"Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. These are the evil things in the world: wanting things to please our sinful selves, wanting the sinful things we see, being too proud of the things we have. But none of those things come from the Father. All of them come from the world. The world is passing away. And everything that people want in the world is passing away. But the person who does what God wants lives forever."

The World Over God
What is more important a temporary object or a permanent one? What is more important possessions on Earth or eternal life in Heaven? God says to not love and crave these temporary things on Earth. He says you can either love God or love the world and everything in it. Somethings he point out that show you want things on this world is like when we want things to meet our pleasures. For example you might want to buy a video game for happiness. But the truth is, only God can bring pure happiness. Also, the Bible says to not want things that are evil and sinful. For example, don't go and lust for things that you know are wrong in God's point of view. The last evil thing in the world the Bible lists is being proud and boastful. God doesn't now want us to be proud and think of ourselves better than others because everything is temporary.

The Passing
The last part explains that there is no meaning to things on Earth because nothing is important and permanent. It briefly covers that God WILL one day take his believers to Heaven even if they are alive, and these things that are so important to you on Earth will be gone.

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