The SpRusAn fanfiction my friend request for her birthday

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WARNING: This IS a lemon.....this also isn't and X reader, mostly because it's a ship my friend ships me in. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! TW: #Cursing, #Sexual 6ehavi9r and themes #Giving y9u h9ly water and a 6i6le f9r 12th perigee On with the story

------Cyan's POV-------
I slipped my hands into my pockets, watching the red sun start to sink below the horizon. Red, orange, and pink hues danced in the sky, mingling together, making the sky look as if it were a painting. A small smile graces my lips as I look at the sight. I exhale into the cold air, creating a smoky cloud in front of my face. For a while I just listen to the clicking of my shoes on the sidewalk, and the soft rustling of leaves being blown in the harsh winter air. A sigh of content leaves my mouth as I enjoy the peace around me. The stress of work really catches up on me sometimes. I look about at the small quaint houses that create my familiar neighborhood. I start to jog when I see my house come into view, the cold air burning my throat and lungs when I breathed. I bend over to rest my hands on my knees to catch my breath while standing in front of my house. 'Man, I need to start working out. This is killing me!'
I squint and take in my house's features while I inhale air in long gasps. The grey paint and white trim almost blends in with winter, causing it to become almost a ghost house during the colder months. I trot up my steps and my keys jangle while I hold them in my shaky hands. I shove the key into the lock, give it a twist, and push my door open. For some reason, just for a moment, I almost feel afraid to enter my home at that moment. Brushing off the feeling as paranoia, I walk inside and shed my jacket, shoes, and hat. Rubbing my hands together in the new warmth of my house, my body burning like I'm a ice cube that was put in the oven. The same feeling of unease washes over me once again, and I find my eyes darting about the room nervously. The feeling of anxiety and fear naw at the pit of my stomach. I gulp quietly, just to have it feel like I'm trying to swallow a rock. 'Calm down, Calm down Cyan. It's probably nothing, but just to reassure myself....ill go check my doors and windows.'
After walking around my house, I make sure that all of my doors and windows are secure. Well except for one, my bedroom. A weird feeling passed over me when I stood in front of the door. I shivered slightly, but then grit my teeth and take a firm hold on my door knob. Quickly, almost frantically, I swing open the door. I do not enter yet, but I stand in the doorway for a moment. I scope out the room for a second more and cautiously step inside. My blood runs cold at the sight of my window wide open, the winter air blowing freely trough the window and onto my bare skin, causing me to shiver. Goose bumps cover my body, but not just from the cold. My breath hitches when I feel a warm presence behind me that stands out from the freezing room.
I shut my eyes tightly and ball my fists, trying to make it seem that I'm unaware of the presence behind me. I take a shaky breath, almost on the brink of tears. 'I'm helpless, the one day I don't have my knife....'
I grit my teeth once again and think of a thing to do that may get me killed, but right now....I don't care. I jump backwards and scream as loud as I can, while flinging my elbow behind me, hoping it would come in contact with what ever was behind me. A warmth spreads across my elbow and I almost cry out when I realize that they caught it. 'Shit. Shitshit SHIT. I don't know what to do-' my mind was racing with thoughts when a soft cloth covered my nose and mouth, foolishly inhaling the sweet scent I know exactly what it is. 'Chloroform' Salty tears well up in my eyes as the world goes black.
---Time Skip. Lime/Lemon Warning!-----
---still Cyan POV---
I open my eyes groggily and feel my eyelashes brush against fabric. I raise my head slowly a stiff pain shoots down my spine, I've obviously been in this position a while. I realize I have something tied around my eyes, preventing me from seeing where I am, or who my captors are. The extra fabric from my blindfold brushes my elbows, only then do I realize how warm and soft the fabric is. 'Is this.....a scarf or something'
Not to my surprise I find my hands and feet bound to the legs of a chair I'm sitting in. I deducted I'm in a chair because I'm obviously not on the floor. My confused thoughts are interrupted by a heavy scraping on the floor. 'It's sounds heavy, probably a metal door...' Anxiety and adrenaline runs through my veins, I feel small beads of sweat begin to form on my brow as I bite my lip nervously. I hear the sound of heavy footsteps coming torwards me. His footfalls almost in time with my heart, that is pumping wildly in my chest. I close my eyes tightly, almost as if I close my tight enough I'll wake up in my bed. That doesn't happen. I grimace and take a deep shaky breath. I hold my head up the best I can and put on the best stoic facade I could muster.
"I see your awake~" his voice rings about the room, a Russian accent prominently showing through his words.
"We were hoping you would wake up soon, now the fun can begin, da?" When he says this feel myself pale slightly, as something clicks in my brain. 'Am I going to be....are they...' I shiver at the thought a cold sweat forming on my bare arms. I almost let my bottom lip quiver, but restrain myself for letting him feel as if he has defeated me. I may be helpless but that won't stop me from trying to save my pride.
"Ufufufu~ I know you're afraid. I can feel it radiating from you, so no use trying to hide it sunflower~" I felt him lean forward and stroke my cheek with a gloved thumb.
"Hey, Don't start with out me" A second voice rings about the tension-filled room, this carries a heavy spainish accent and is slightly higher pitched than the Russian's. 'Two of them?!'
"I wasn't, I was merely introducing myself to the sunflower..." He states innocently and leans away, a cold air takes his place, causing a shiver to run up my spine and goosebumps to break out across my skin.
'How can he sound so innocent!?' I'm now thankful for the scarf blocking my vision, keeping my tears of helplessness from being seen.
"Shall we begin, mi amigo""Da, I'm ready"
I choke back a cry as I hear this conversation. I hear footsteps, probably the spainiard's, walk away from me. The Russian, however, takes at least two steps until his warm breath tickles my lips. I inhale through my nose, my sense of smell almost overwhelmed with the smell of vodka. Before I realize what happened the Russians lips crash against mine, his soft warm lips in casing my cold ones. He wastes no time and shoves his tongue into my mouth. I squeeze my eyes tightly as the weird sensation fills my mouth, making my stomach fill with disgust and fear. His slimy muscle explores my mouth, tainting it with the taste of vodka. He hums happily while he then straddles my lap, while continuing to violate my mouth.
Through my focus of the Russian distracting me, I didn't notice that the spainiard already came back, it sounded as if he was rummaging through a bag. It didn't make me feel any better about the situation. The Russian pulled away from my now swollen lips, and shares a few hushed words with the spainiard before leaning back up to face me. I hear a snipping sound as the spainiard walks behind me. He grabs my shirt and roughly starts to tear the scissors through it. My shirt lands in shreds on the floor and I shiver at the cold air nipping at my skin. I hear the Russian inhale slightly and he runs his hands slowly on my lower stomach, making my body tingle with shame and I pull at the restraints, but to no avail. The Russian lets out a low chuckle, which almost sounds like a growl and he gets off my lap just to get on his knees, leans in between my legs, and plants kiss along the hem of my bra. His hands find their way onto my hips, and I hear the rummaging of the bag again. I gasp in realization when I hear my bra fall to the floor. The spainiard pulls out more items, as the Russian plays with my chest. I bite my tongue to restrain the moans trying to erupt from my mouth. 'I cant let them have that satisfaction...' He squeezes my breast rather hard making a loud and shaky gasp to escape before I could stop it.
"Finally coming around are we~ ufufu~" The Russian's laugh, so childlike and innocent, but don't let the voice deceive you. I feel his fingertips hook into the hem of my pants and underwear. I can almost see his smile of delight, as I almost lose my facade and give them what they want. I squeeze my eyes shut as he slowly pulls down all the clothing I have left. Tears run down my face but are caught by the scarf. The last of my dignity disappeared when my pants and undergarments hits the cool cement floor. I try to press my legs together, but the Russian blocked the way. He chuckled called his friend over. The spainiard handed the Russian something, but of course, I couldn't see what. Suddenly something cold and fairly small, entered me making me gasp and shiver. Just as I couldn't think it could be worse vibrations started to emit from the object, causing pleasure to wrack threw my body. I bit my lip, almost drawing blood, and throwing my head back. No matter how hard I bit my lip a muffled moan managed to escape. 'Damn, I can't....I....' My thoughts wouldn't register anymore. All I could focus on was the immense feeling that was coursing through my body. I tried to squeeze my legs together again, but this time I heard a 'tsk' and a stinging pain spread across my upper thigh. Making a fairly loud moan to erupt from my throat. A laugh sounds from the two males, making shame bloom in the pit of my stomach. 'These...bastards'.
No matter how disgusted and shamed I feel my body reacts against my wish, my writhing form and my soft moans, bringing pleasure to their ears. I'm breathing slightly heavier now, my face coated with sweat and a light blush dusting my cheeks. My senses seem clouded and the sounds around me seem far away. The pleasure seems to intensify, waves of heat engulfing me as a pressure builds up from deep within my core. a sound almost a mix between a whine and a squeak leaves my lips, and this time, I manage to squeeze my legs tightly together as I reach climax. I instinctively throw my head back, my sweaty hair sticking to my face. My chest rises and falls rapidly as I catch my breath, the room is oddly silent when I hear a rustling sound. My senses come back to me full force, and I lift my head up my blue eyes flicking left and right behind my blindfold. A heavy weight presses ontop of my bare lap. It takes me a moment to realize the feeling of skin on my own, and a wave of nausea washes over me. My head starts to spin with ideas of how this will play out. I could think of nothing good that was about to happen.
Something cold and wet presses against my collarbone, causing me to gasp and shiver while trying to jump away. "Ufufu~ Come on now, play nice, da? If you're good, I may take off your blindfold." He coos into my ear, his warm breath, tickling my ear and making me clench my teeth.
'Be good and I'll get my blindfold off, eh? Fine, fine if it helps me get out of here' a look of determination crosses my features as I work a plan out in my head.'I could act like I fainted..... Yeah, by now I'll try anything'
I let out a breath and make my body go limp, my blonde hair tickles my forehead slightly as my head falls forward to an uncomfortable position. I make my breathing as even as I can manage, to make the illusion of me fainting. 'Just a little longe-' as my head fell it landed on the chest in front on me, I can feel his breathing hitch for a moment before returning to a normal pace. A hand grips my chin, making my lips squish together like a fish. I almost panic when I feel his nose brush mine, and his breath engulfing my face. I could tell he was trying to see if I was faking. When he pushes me back away from him, I think I almost pulled it off. I mentally smile at my success.
------RUSSIAS pov------
Does she think I'm stupid, I know she's faking. This just lets me know she's desperate to escape what's coming to her. I smirk forms on my features and I stand from her lap, slip on my boxers, and trot over to Spain. His piercing green eyes meet my violet ones. I lean forward slightly and look behind me at her nude form tied to the chair. I smile and turn back to Spain and say in a hushed tone "She pretended to faint... I'm going to move things along, da?"
The tan skinned man smiled brightly at me, mischief swimming in his emerald orbs. "Sì, I was beginning to become impatient as well, let's have our fun, yeah?" We both get up and stride over to the 'fainted' female in the chair.
----Cyan pov--------
'Crudcrudcrud!' My eyes widen behind the scarf as I hear both pairs of footsteps walking torwards me. 'They wouldn't rape a sleeping chick would they.... What am I saying, I'm screwed'
The same weight straddles my waist once more, and lips start to trail down my body, he gets off my lap once more to continue his trek down my body. His kisses stop at my inner thigh, when another pair attach themselves to my neck, kissing and nipping at the sensitive skin. I moan softly and my head leans backward. I hear his breathy chuckle against my neck as he runs his tongue down to my collarbone. 'Ewewewewewew! Why Tongues! Ew!
An electric spark of pleasure courses through my body and making me inhale sharply. I hear movement and hands under my legs, lifting them up onto what I assume, are shoulders. I feel a warm breath tickle my ear, making my skin flush and tingle at his closeness.
"Do not worry, it will only hurt for moment, da?" I stiffen at the familiar voice, before my vision clouds with pain causing me to throw my head back. I want to scream but only a squeak will leave my throat. I feel him inhale sharply and his grip on my legs strengthen. My head rests against the back of the chair and I feel the knot of the scarf against the back of my head. I feel his hands grip desperately onto my chest, causing me to moan loudly and roll my hips. We both are moaning at this point and he can't hold back anymore, he pounds into me making me a moaning mess. I pull against my arm restraints, to the point of my wrists probably bleeding. My head rubs against the back of the chair as my body arches. The blindfold falls off to reveal my captors to me. His eyes are closed, his white hair sticking to his face as he moans and tilts his head back. My legs feel like jello from the immense pleasure coursing through my veins. My moans become louder as he hits a certain spot. My brain is no longer processing rational thoughts, my sense of touch seemingly becoming sharpened as I reach the brink of ecstasy. I feel him thrust once more before releasing into me. The new warmth that flows into my core sends me over the edge, and I groan loudly. He rests his head on my shoulder, breathing uneven as he tries to regain his energy. My head rests against the back of the chair. My hair, now damp from sweat, sticks to my face as I close my eyes.
I had maybe a 30 minute nap when I awoke to lips kissing my knuckles. The man doing so had messy brown hair and tan skin. I assume this is the spainiard because he didn't look like the white haired guy from earlier. He looks up, and his piercing emerald eyes lock with my own. A light blush starts to spread across my cheeks and he smirks at me, mischief swimming in the depths of his eyes. The leans torwards my face and grasps my chin in his fingers. His skin is warm and I can feel his breath tickle my face. Unlike the Russian, the spainiard kisses me gently, capturing my lips in a sweet, but passionate, kiss. His hand ran down my arm and back up again, then he runs his hand down to my hip and massages it with his thumb. His actions make me exhale needly and pull against my arm restraints. He deepens the kiss and licks my bottom lip, his hands creep up to my chest and he massages my breasts slightly rough. A low moan escapes my throat and the spainiard smiles against my lips and shoves his tongue into my mouth. I don't put up much of a fight as his warm tongue explores my mouth. Somehow (I apparently didn't notice this before) he was already in his boxers. He sat in my lap and leaves my lips to trail kisses along my jawline as his hands explore my body. Everywhere he touched seemed to light my skin afire, I started to squirm in his touch when the heat started to become unbearable. He kisses his way to my collar bone and let's out a gruff moan when I grind my hips against his. He gets up and slowly slips off his boxers. I squeak slightly and close my eyes, the blush darkening and spreading to my ears. I feel his hands slide up ever so slowly up my legs to the top of my thighs. This movement alone making my legs tingle, and my stomach churn with anticipation. He rubs his length against my wet entrance, then slowly enters me. We both throw our head back and moan, I dig my nails into my palms and arch my back. The spainiards hands grip my hips and he slowly pulls out to the tip, and Rams himself back in. A loud moan erupts from my throat, a wave of pleasure blossoming within me. He repeats the motion but faster at a continuous speed he thrusts into my womanhood. Our moans of pleasure mix and fill the room. "Oh, Dios mío esto se siente tan jodidamente bueno!" He moans in spainish.
He leans his head against my shoulder and picks up his pace, his thrusting now reaching animalistic speeds. My moans become screams, my legs again reaching a jello-like feeling. My mind was racing but I couldn't conjure anything I was thinking about except the pure pleasure that is coursing through my veins. My eyes close when a knot forms in my stomach, on the verge of bursting. My heart is thrumming in my chest, the spainiards moans becoming more loud and apparent. His thrusts start to become sloppy, and both of our breathing becomes labored. I a mix between a gasp and a moan leaves my lips, my walls tighten around Spain and he moans loudly and releases into me. He thrusts a few more times before exhaling and pulling out of me. I take a few deep breaths, feeling sleep tug at my body. :o)

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