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Noah's P.O.V

"come on noah were going to be late ! " i heard alex say in a frustrated tone.

"uugghhh" i groaned while getting up out of my bed. I looked over to see alex combing his healthy blonde hair into a comb over "you know if we werent best friends i'd fuck you",i said randomly causing alex to turn and look at me raising one eyebrow he then chuckled and threw my shoe that was on the floor at me."shut up and start getting dressed" he said while laughing i got up and dragged myself into the bathroom thats in my room.

its crazy when i think about it and how alex and i became friends it was in the 10th grade and it actually started with us having a fling and we ended up hooking up but after it turned into a friendship and we then became bestfriends, are there times where we mess around ? nope but we do cuddle or peck eachother when one of us is sad we just know each other well.

after i finished getting dressed i grabbed my back pack and headed down stairs and made sure the back door was locked i live with my dad my mom died at age 6 in a plane crash and my dad knows that im gay we dont really talk much but i can tell he's not all excited about it but he tries. after the back door was locked i went out the front door and made sure that was locked too before i made my way over to my car where alex was waiting impatiently.

when we arrived at school alex and I walked over to our lockers and began grabbing our books for first period we have 7classes and i have him for 5 of them so were always together."whats up losers !" we heard a all to familiar voice say behind us. "what do you want tony" alex said sounding annoyed "dad wants you to help us move the new couches in after school". yup you heard right and if you haven't guessed it tony is alex's older brother by 1 year but there dad placed them in school at the same time to make it easier, there mom took off when alex was 10 well thats what he told me at least. tony and alex are somewhat close but they do argue alot tony and I are friends but not as close as alex and I."okay tony you can go now" alex said closing his locker tony just rolled his eyes and walked off to his class i just chuckled and closed my locker as well and we headed off to our class.When we walked in jason and his buddy caleb was sitting on there desk having a convo they stopped talking and looked over at us and i saw a evil smirk come across jason's face before he got off his desk and made his way over to me "hey fag whats up ?" he asked in a tone that told me he actually didnt care "leave me alone jason" i said in a strong tone which he didnt take to kindly he grabbed me hard by the arm which alex reacted and grabbed jasons arm that was grabbing me and caleb grabbed alex's arm that was grabbing jason's who was grabbing mine just then the teacher came in and they all released there hold.Alex and i took our seats in the back while jason and caleb took theres a row in front of us they both looked back at us and shot us glares that read catch you later.

next class was theater which is my main focus i want to be an actor and thats my future.alex was walking next to me and together we looked good walking down that hall as if we were the male pretty little liars."watch out !" someone yelled just as soon as a football hit the back of my head "OUCH !" i shouted angrily "WHO THE FUCK THROWS A FOOTBALL INDOORS !" i continued as alex tried pulling me into class i turned and looked around to notice jason and caleb high fiving each other while laughing "i had enough" i said through gritted teeth and made my way over to him."what the fuck is your problem !" i spat angrily and thats when i should of seen it coming.

[Author's Note]

so that was the end of the first chapter if its short my apologies but yeah this is the beggining of the journey and no the worst parts have not begun yet so yeah become a fan so you will know when i upload a new chapter and go ahead and vote :)


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