Attemp 2346, SUCCESS!

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A/N just wanted to say SUPER proud of myself for remembering the number in the title of this chapter with out looking! GO ME!

Anyways continue on with the story.


Soo, guess who forgot to charge their phone while they were asleep? This dumb ass did, right here.

Anyways, it's currently 2nd hour, next hour is my free period where I can charge me phone AND SEE IF HE REPLIED. I shouldn't get my hopes up. He most likely didn't reply. I'm just alone. No friends because I've been an idiot and lost them all because I was trying to get Jacob's attention. Ya... I'm a sucky friend.

MAGICAL TIME SKIP *free period*

Come on open, open phone plea- yes!

You have no new notifications-because
your a boring ass loser who internests all day long!

Ok so I might have added that last part.

Are you serious!?!? Yes, Roxy I'm very serious. Shut up! He will never respond! And you know that! Ugh, I know that he will never respond. He's just way to busy with his other fans. "Other fans that aren't me..." My voice trails off as I whisper to myself.

RIIINNNNGGG *ik I'm good at makin sounds in books*

4th period, already!? I hastily walked to my locker, grabbed my books, and walk to S.S.

"Ok, class today we will be taking the Pre-Test for Ch. 8 Ancient Rome." A series of sighs of annoyance erupted from the classroom.

"I see that most of you don't like Rome, or do you think I'm wasting or time with something your not even getting a grade for? Uh? Anyone? Good, or else I might have actually graded these tests. Trust me I don't like them either" Mrs. Walkins threatened.

MAGICAL TIME SKIP *after test*

"Everyone hand in your tests." She asked. "We still have maybe 5 minutes left so I would like assign 1 page of home-" she was cut off by a loud ding. Crap that's my Twitter notification! "Whose phone was that?" Mrs. Walkins asked furiously. "Come on, speak up"  She sounded mad! "Um Mrs. That was my phone, sorry!" Oh no, I bet I will have like a million years of detention! "Give me your phone!" She demanded furiously. "Yes, Mrs." I hear some giggles.

I get up and start walking towards her slowly. I hand over my phone to her. She looked at the screen slightly confused then reads" Notification from Twitter, Jacob Sartorious followed you." Gasps, oohs, and ahs erupt from the classroom. I even gasped! "Who is th-" once again she gets interrupted by another ding that makes her jump about 5 feet in the air. This time it was the bell. Saved by the bell.

As soon as I get out of the classroom I starting jumping up and down, giggling, and screaming. People are looking at me like I'm a freak. I'm just SOOO HAPPY!!!

"Ms. Why do you have your phone out, get to class!" A teacher yelled at me. I run to my next class happier than a mouse in a pantry!

A/N Anyone else SUUPPEERRR EXCITED!!!!!!! Cuz I am!!!!!

529 words

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