In The Dark Zone

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1:26 A.M. (Milissa)

The darkness of this place follows me around; It brings the worst thoughts of what could happen to me. I feel as if the hope we had was lost within this place; But once I get closer to the burning fire, I feel the little hope that was left with us.

I walk down the trail, hoping to find my way back through the woods. I know my way back, but I'm being extra cautious because I know what will happen once I let my guard down. Just the thought of my best friend dead would have killed me before; But now that it has actually occurred, it has broken me. I eventually make it back to the secret stream; I walk through the freezing water and I can now see someone laying on the ground just outside of camp. I continue to walk until I am standing near the fire.

"Ssss." The fire crackles. I notice that Alexandra is crying, looking at it. But when she notices that I have made it back, she looks up at me and runs towards me.

"Milissa?!" She seems happy to see me.

"I'm here now."

Alexandra hugs me.

"Thank God. We thought that you and JO would never make it back."

Sophia and Carly walk out from the inside of the cabin.

"Milissa!?" Carly runs over and Sophia follows behind.

"What happened to you? Where is JO?" Carly questions.


"What?! what happened while you were gone?!"

"JO," I start to loose myself again.

"JO,.....JO is DEAD." I tell them.

"What!? That can't be!" Alexandra looks at me and backs away in denial.

"She's just....How?!" Carly steps closer to me.

"She saved me...I was going to die." Tears run down my face again.

"Wait, where is she?" Sophia asks me, looking confused on how to react.

"She's in a barn...Someone,....killed her....right in front of me. I think that it was the man that escaped from the Asylum. What the radio warned us about."

"I knew that something wasn't right here!

We need to go and get out of here! Do you have proof?" Carly asks me.

"How would she have proof other than," Alexandra looks at me.

"Wait....The camera; He recorded the entire thing." I tell them.

"Yeah. I was about to say that."

"So in other words, we can show the police the footage?" Carly asks her.

"Yes," I respond to her.

"We need that camera Milissa; We need the proof." Alex looks directly at me.

I look around and try to think if we should go back to the barn, or just leave and get help. I finally make a decision.

"I agree with you Alex; we need to go back." I look at her.

"Then let's go."

Alexandra grabs her bag just in case, we all get our flashlights out. We then walk ahead, with the goal of making it back to the barn; going through the brush and down the trails once more.

2:35 A.M.

When we get to the field, the red light is still illuminating through the windows. We walk across it and eventually make it to the barn.

"I'll go first. Watch your backs." I tell them.

"Okay, will do," Alex responds.

I crack the door open, and when I stick my head in to look inside, my face begins to look of denial as I see her.

"Oh GOD!!" I gasp.

Alexandra and the others take a look in.

"Holy shiz," Sophia shouts.

Carly walks back outside and throws up.

JO's body is torn to pieces, her intestines and blood are all over the floor.

"NO. SHE DOESN'T DESERVE THIS!!! WHY HER?!?! WHY HER?!" I shout to relieve myself.

Alexandra hugs me as my knees fall to the floor next to Joan. I grab JO'S bloody hand.

"It's going to be okay. We're going to be okay." Alexandra tries to calm me down.

"She was all I had, JO, she was all I had!"

"You still have me. We're going to be okay. All of us."

"Okay, Okay." I stand up, wiping the tears from off of my face.

"Just grab the camera, and let's go." Alexandra looks at me with no emotion.

I walk around JO and get the camera off of the shelf; I then look at it as we walk out of the barn.

"We need to get the hell out of here!" Carly tells us as we begin to head back to camp.

"Agreed. Once we get back to camp we'll have to. We can't stay here any longer!" Sophia tells me.

"Let's go then," I tell them, looking ahead and into the dark zone.

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