Chapter Two - Finding A Way Out

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Chapter Two - Finding A Way Out

Everyone got along great. But I noticed that Drake never really talked much, and he's shy and reserved. And sometimes, I catch him holding back from he wants to say.

Why won't he just say something? It's not like we'll hurt him or anything.

As we were talking, and heard a loud knock on my door. "Who is it?" I asked carelessly.

"It's Harriet." He replied sharply. I let out a low, but angry growl.

"What do you bloody want?" I asked, slightly feeling bad for acting so rude towards him. He's done nothing but follow orders.

But why do I feel like he has something to do with something?

"The council wants to talk to you. And they want to know if you killed those three men," He answered, a little bit of sadness evident in his voice.

"I don't want to talk to them. They can talk to themselves," I answered, ignoring his question about killing them.

"Foxine, I know you're upset that your parents are---"

"I really don't give a f*ck that they're dead. Really, it hasn't affected me in any way. But these...I'm not talking to those ugly bast--I'm just not talking to them," I interrupted him angrily.


"Stop calling me that! Don't you people understand?! I just want to be free! I don't want to stay stuck in this kingdom and rule it all on my own! Just...go!"

There was a long moment of silence before he finally did something. He walked in. Without knocking.

What a surprise!

He quickly shut the door and locked it. He spoke silently. "Leave. You need to. This place is going to hell and you're the only one who can change it. Where's the other one? Oh...I see you threw him out the window. I've never told you or anyone but your parents this, but I have special senses. It sounds crazy, but I can read anyone's mind and know their personality instantly. What goes on in their head. Blue? He's not sane. He's dangerous. Very. I read his plans. I felt his dark presence. He's dangerous to this whole world."

"Holy shit, Harriet." I breathed, all of our eyes widened.

"You need to go. Book tickets to America and get back to their home. Search. You will find answers to questions you have. Do it as soon as possible and don't look back. Trust no one but each other. Here's this necklace. Use it to communicate with me, you'll see. I'll ring first when the time comes."

"Harriet, this is all happening so fast what are you talking abo--"

"I love you, baby girl. Go save the world. I'll watch your back. I'll talk to you later. Now go!" He said, hugged me and kissed my forehead then left, locking the door behind him. I love him too. He was like a second father to me, more like a father. He was there with me my whole life, he was there more than my own parents. I wish I had time to tell him I did, but he left before I could even open my mouth.

"Later...okay," I replied, thinking of a plan in my head.

I listened for his footsteps to signal me that he was leaving. I ran to my closet, and grabbed a few backpacks as soon as I was sure. "Foxy, what are you doing?! You're really going to follow through?!" Ula whispered urgently.

"You'll see," I whispered back. I grabbed a handful of clothes, and threw them in the three backpacks I had grabbed. I got all my necessities and such, and threw it in there, too.

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