Chapter Three - Changing

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Chapter Three - Changing


I'll probably be the first and only one to admit it, but I actually like airplane food. I don't know why people don't like airplane food.

But then again, it's over priced. Who would pay 14 pounds just for a small bag of meat flavored almonds? Okay, I would. But that's not the bloody point.

Then what is the point? My annoying conscious sniggered. I internally scowled. Exactly. There is no point.

Anyways, a small pack of almonds and M&Ms can't hold a growing--okay, maybe I'm done growing-- girl down for an hour, or however long we were in that bloody plane after I got done with my snacks.

So, me, Drake, and Spike are currently in the airport, eating at a Subway because the bloody idiot, Drake, and my stomach kept begging me to go eat something.

I must admit, I was kind of in a rush. But for what? I don't know. I'm glad they suggested we come here to eat. Because it was the closest (especially because it's in the airport), and because they said that the sandwiches are good. Bloody right they are.

I do say bloody way too much.

Too bad.

"So...I don't want to be recognized. Even though I doubt I will be by your pack. But I know the council might be curious and panicked as to why I'm not at the kingdom. Then they'll send out search parties, and descriptions of how I look and stuff. So, I'm going to dye my hair red. And as for the wardrobe...I don't think I can change that," I announced to them after I finished my second foot long sandwich. What? I was hungry.

"Why not?" Spike mused, an interested yet amused smirk on his face.

I glowered at him before speaking. "I wouldn't be caught dead wearing pink or purple,"

"Then I guess I'll just have to kill you, then change you into pink clothes, with purple sparkles," He grinned, and leaned back in his chair. Drake and I glared at him, while I tangled my legs with Drake's to keep Drake from pushing Spike out of his seat; I wanted to do that.

And so I did.

"Ow!" He rubbed his head, "What was that for?!"

"You know what it was for," I smirked and leaned back. Suddenly, I felt a vibration in my right boob, startling me greatly. I almost flew out of my chair! Okay, I was exaggerating.

Both boys were staring at my breast, and I scowled and covered them up. "What?" I snapped.

"Why is your boob lighting up?" Spike asked, still staring where he was staring, perplexed.

"What? You've never seen a boob light up before?" I teased, before fishing inside my bra for my phone. What? It's a better pocket, and less likely to get stolen there.

Or not.

I answered the mobile phone without looking at the caller. "Hello?"

"Foxy! Why the h*ll did you f*cking leave without f*cking telling your best f*cking b*tch in the whole f*cking world when or f*cking where you were f*cking going without my f*cking permission?! Do you know how apesh*t me and Chris went on bloody Ula?! Why the h*ll are you f*cking gone, you nutter?!" I heard Kyle scream into the phone, making me wince and hold the phone away from my face a couple of inches. That boy has such a colorful language.

I wonder where I got my colorful language from?

"Woah, whoa, whoa, Kyle. Calm your bloody nipples," I chuckled. That earned disgusted, bewildered, or disapproving looks thrown my way from other customers.

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