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*Italy Pov*

I woke up feeling drowsy. As I rubbed my eye, I glanced at the wall clock and found out...


I ran downstairs to my car gosh! It's already 1:03! Oh gosh! Germany's going to get mad at me! I hopped in and begin to drive (really fast). As I got inside the building, I checked my whatch to find out it was already 1:10! I ran as fast as I could. But as I run closer to the door, I heard voices inside the room and began to slow down.

*Philippines Pov*

I was looking around the room for Italy I gues he is late again. The meeting as always, a disaster. England and America began fighting, France was flirting, Prussia was yelling how awsome he was, Romano was calling Papa (Spain) names, and everyone else doing things thier things. "Seems like Italy is not here that is soooo splendid!" I heard France call. When he said that, everyone turned to looked at him. 

"What do you mean France?" I ask getting pretty worried at what he might say. "Well he is always a coward and nuisance AND a crybaby". I stood there shocked. How could France say that to Italy when Italy recognize him as a brother?

"I agree with the bloody frog for once. Italy is such a crybaby" came the voice of England 

"Yeah dude! He is sooooo weak!" Came the voice of America 

"Yeah he is NOTHING but a idiot" came the voice of China

Then what I heard next was even more shocking. And that was betrayal.

"Italy is such a nuisance! I don't know why I hang out with him even when I'm soooo awsome!" Came Prussia 

"Italy is nothing but a crybaby begging to be saved" came the voice of Japan 

"Italy is nothing but a pasta loving idiot that only flirts with girls and always ALWAYS begging to be saved" came the voice of Germany.

As soon as he said that, everyone in the meeting said such horrible thins to Italy except Romano and Spain. I have heard enough and did something no one and I mean NO ONE ever did. 

'Slap' I slapped Germany hard and he fell out of his chair and hit his butt on the floor. He stood there shocked then looked angry.


"WHAT WAS THAT FOR? I SHOULD BE ASKING THE QUESTION! HOW COULD YOU SAY SUCH THINGS TO ITALY BEHIND HIS BACK HUH?! DO YOU KNOW ITALY SEE YOU AS HIS BEST FRIEND?! HIS HERO?!" I shouted with tears in my eyes. Everyone was looking at me know but I only focused on Germany. Then, my eyes scanned every nation in the meeting room until I saw  Romano with an angry face and scanned the room with eyes with mixed emotions. It was filled sadness, hurt, and anger. Spain was also doing the same thing. 

"How could you? Venenziano trusted you especially you potato head!"

"Ita was suffering when you all came into his life and mend his heart. But now? You just broke his trust"

All the nations looked down not meeting any of our eyes. That's when we heard a crash and I knew exactly who it was.

"Italy...." I breathed and bolted out of the room just in time to see a figure run into the halls. I began to run. Spain and Romano followed expecting it was Italy too. I was running really fast when America called. "Philippines, Romano, Spain! Wait!" But we ignored it and ran towards the figure. Who was crying in the corner where no one can hear.

"Italy?" I said


Hello again! Another cliffhanger! I'm so sorry if you hate cliffhangers but I want it to be a suspense. Thank you for reading this I hope you like it!

Ps: I know Prussia isn't a count anymore but I like him to be in the meeting and I want to thank Lonely_Hetalian for the idea thank you sooooo much!

*Sneak peek*


I look up to see Philippines with sadness in her eyes.

Hetalia: Italy's Broken HeartWhere stories live. Discover now