Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 


I stood up when I saw Ash out the corner of my eye a wave of relief came over me when I felt her wrap her arm around my waist pulling me into her. I sighed automatically relaxing at her touch and leaning into her. Both Declan and Ash were glaring at each other. Ash looked down at me

"You ok" she asked worriedly I nodded. Declan took a step closer to me making me lean more into Ash.

"Declan stay away from her you already done enough" I heard Ash say Declan chuckled and smiled down at me.

"Gabriel you didn't enjoy it I see" He leaned in closer I felt Ash grip tighten on my waist

"Don't worry next time I'll have the honor of doing it myself" he whispered I stiffened as images flashed through my head from last Friday. Ash took a step closer to Declan, I could tell by her stance that she was about to do something I pulled her back.

"Come on Ash he's not worth it" I mumbled she was still glaring at him he smirked at me a reach his hand out a pulled strand of hair out my face and tucked it behind my ear making me flinch Ash grabbed his wrist and bent it back. 
"Keep your hands off of her and if I see you anywhere near her you'll end up like your two little friends, but unlike them every fucking bone in your body will be broken" Ash growled at him, bending his wrist further back. I looked at Declan, Ash was hurting him, know matter how hard he tried to hide it you could tell that he was in pain.

"Do you understand" she asked when Declan didn't respond she bent his wrist further back, all of the blood drained from his face as he nodded.

"I can't hear you"


"Good and I mean it I do not even want you looking at her" she hissed at him giving his wrist one last tug backward causing Declan to grunt in pain as he glared at her. She let go of his wrist and stepped back next to me wrapping her arm back around my waist as Declan brushed past me holding his wrist and left the cafeteria. I let out a sigh of relief I turned to my friends who were looking confused as they stared at Ash and I along with half of the cafeteria.


I hadn't realized that most of the cafeteria was quite and watching us after what just happened until Gabriel started to squirm under their gaze I looked at her to see tinges of pink on her cheeks. She leaned further into me and I pulled her closer.

"Can we go I don't like people staring at me" She muttered embarrassed I let go of her and grabbed her bag from off the floor. I looked at her friend Samantha who was smirking I don't know why she was, but I smiled back at her.

"I'll be borrowing her I'll bring her back before 7th period" she nodded her head; I took Gabriel's hand taking her out the cafeteria and to my car.

"Where are we going" she asked once I pulled out the parking lot

"Somewhere and everywhere" I chuckled as we stopped at a red light  

"That's not funny Please tell me" she whined I shook my head

"Nope just ride," I told her she pouted and was quite for the rest of the ride I pulled into a parking space in front of the store.

"Come on Gabriel we are here" I watched as she looked out the window with wide twinkling eyes she squealed and jumped out the car I laughed and followed her.

"Cold Stone my favorite Ice cream Shoppe" she gave me a hug and pulled back.

"Why did we come here" she asked I rolled my eyes

Somewhere Only We Know (editing) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now